Tested earth pet, does not seem to operate the same way as enchanter pets are
I like Aradune, been playing since classic but its definitely starting to show its age in the number of players. That being said, Mischief is such an...
https://www.eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=27818&menustr=035000000000 Link below shows everything that can drop it, its still kind of a low...
Yup, can confirm, none of my guilded characters can log on, tried on Aaradune and Luclin.
Yes, i understand that, I am saying we have an SK that is getting vitality, and a cleric that should be getting vitality. Only the SK is...
Have a few boxes in our fellowship. Cleric was max regular xp but not max AA, the SK was roughly a fresh 75 and still working on AA's as well....
The zam page on EQ progression is a good page to have bookmarked if you are not sure what is coming up in an expansion....
Thanks for the tips. I did check those, and Memory mode and actor clip plane are both set to max. Currently have the following settings on...
As the title says, I am running into certain mobs, most notably the large spider models such as Kangur from Fergarin Raid #1 in TSS as well as the...
Used to be free, but they are now on Steam, search for Yolomouse, has a bunch of different cursor types, colors and other options that can help out....
can tell you for certain, that as a ranger main on Aradune currently in DoN, I'm comfortably tanking most group content in era as we move along I've...
We are seeing similar drops over on Aradune, went from 120k to between 60-70k now. haven't seen prices this low since pop i think.
need to revert this change asap
to answer the question of if this is something we want you to continue doing, yes 100%. More communication is never a bad thing.
can confirm it is not working for other mod items too, should have a 95% chance to make a Muramite Metal Sheet, only shows 63% chance, even though my...
There is. https://www.mischief-progress.com/ and https://www.thornblade-progress.com/
Says on the expansion page, that they are claimable after the expansion launches. The CoV mounts where claimable, the buff just doesn't work. So i...
For the average attempts it comes up with you'll have to refer to EQtraders, that is where i got my calculations from....
I want to start out by saying that this post is not in favor for or against the inclusion of the perk system, merely trying to quantify one of the...
https://www.everquest.com/news/new-everquest-perks-2021 Not even sure what to make of it right away.
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