Hey all So my main is a 110 druid and I also box a mage and an enchanter both 110. My setup is kind of ghetto, I box all 3 on 1 computer and 1...
Can a dev please comment on this and when or if it will be fixed It has been broken for a while and none of my posts on the subject have been...
I have bug reported this a while back It has been broken for over 2 months now Anyone else notice this or get any info as to when it will be...
Heya all I had played a druid from about 2000 until PoP went fabled and have returned a few months ago. The druid is my main and i also play a mage...
Hey folks, so I play a Druid / Mage / Ench combo and until the last week or so I was able to handle The Gatekeeper with relatively little trouble...
Hey folks I'm a druid main with a 110 ench alt Just wondering which auras you run for different grouping situations 1 - xp grind 2 - tough new...
Not sure why they broke what didn't need fixing Longer cast time and it does not cast fixation with it I'd prefer it had been left alone
Heya folks So I recently came back to the game a few months ago and have a 110 druid as my main. I have two other accounts, one with an 95...
Separate names with a comma.