I've been having a good debate in discord around Personas. I am curious what people think and how opinions may vary. To me a persona is a...
If a guild like this would be of interest to you, just hit like so we can look at the numbers. Guild Type: Casual / Raiding ONE RAID DAY:...
Hi everyone, it's been awhile. I am seeing posts of people asking about a new TLP. What server to play on. Is Aradune truly a 2 box or are people...
- Innoruuk's Curse - Duriek Bloodpool in Paineel is no longer susceptible to combat and will now respawn every 30 minutes. I don't even play SK...
I've heard 6 hours, is this accurate?
So SK's got some love in this category. Looking for some hot sticky love as well. Thanks.
Correct me if I'm wrong but.. The PVP community doesn't like EQ PVP beyond PoP. True Boxing is going to be GM enforced. Is this not the perfect...
'eyyy yoooooooo! To change the subject from everyone's Mangler outcries and also to see what ideas other people have. I have decided to literally...
I think we can all agree. Miragul was DOA and that's okay. But in light of this. I think a new TLP should be expedited.
Hello everyone. =) Vetis here. Just putting out feelers on people with similar play times. My main will be a Bard (surprise surprise xD) My days...
(A possible variation for the new casual server. Obv.) Has anyone brought this up yet? I wonder what the outcome would be. I'm curious of peoples...
Just curious what people are doing that differs from what I’ve been exposed to. I mostly want to know the best way to deal with the dt and dt proc.
here is my schedule: Sunday - Tuesday off. Available to start raids on Wednesday - Saturday 12:30 a.m. - 4:30 a.m. EST Main is a necro, respond...
Here it is guys, I hope this helps! Feel free to joke, troll, comments, questions, suggestions ETC! This is the 12th installation of many many videos...
Hey everyone, I have started a youtube channel with shortish videos on different aspects of EQ for you guys to check out before the launch! I've...
Good day fellow pixel seekers, I know, first mistake: Confessed I'll be a ranger. I'll make this quick: years and years of experience, especially...
Separate names with a comma.