Two characters in PoK and BOOM!
With the latest patch and the way it screwed up layouts, one of my bags doesn't show on the screen. I have checked this multiple times and it must...
I need to make a change with antivrus software and I am seeking opinions. 1. Are there AV brands that do not work well with EQ? I just read a...
The forums were down for a bit earlier today. I pinged it and got three down arrows. It is back up and pages are still taking far too long to load. I...
I have an inventory window that has a button that will let me consume a krono, but it doesn't show me how many I have. A guildie just traded me some...
It just spins and spins in Firefox. I had to hold my nose and download Chrome to be able to post. Anyone else having issues?
My keyboard (not new) has stopped working 3 times in the last 24 hours. Pulling the USB cable out and putting it back in doesn't help but rebooting...
I read this and planned my morning....
I am confused and I hope the folks here can help to unconfuse me. Is this mission possible to complete by a non raid geared pally with a healer...
...the cool new all grey illusion I see in PoK? It is totally cool!
I seem to be getting in trouble lately. Two babies at home. Lack of sleep. Whatever excuse I can sell. Anyway, I like to kid around and I skate a bit...
If you live in the San Diego area, could you cast this spell. I need to go shopping and it would help. :)
Is there a way to use GeForce Experience to have a custom gamma setting for EQ? I looked at it and didn't see it, but I may well have missed...
I am trying to buy one of the type 9 augments from the Anniversary Tower merchant. I have 20 coins. The buy window does not pop up for my 125 paladin...
When I try to log into the forums lately, it either takes forever (meaning a minute or more), or it fails and I get this message. EverQuest Forums...
I have a rogue that has been scrounging the newest expansion's zones for collectibles. This has given me the opportunity to just explore and enjoy...
Has anyone found this yet? If so, what drops it?
If I remember correctly, you can have up to 10 Overseer quests rewards saved up at a time. Is this correct? I was just asked and I am doubting...
I have only one question. What did Flatchy do and why did he do it?
Separate names with a comma.