Patch day bump!
It's my opinion that all of the control stuff should be innate and out of the box on pet classes. Including the swarm resend command from Empires of...
Nah, not on FV. And, I qualified this. You don't have to be a kronolord or RMT'r to want to participate in trading. Like Krono or not, you'd be...
Delete it all! Delete all the krono! Delete all the plat! Delete all the gear! Burn the towers to the ground! Let's all wear mesh bronze and...
I think it is. It makes the bazaar increasingly obsolete as a server ages. Which is the exact opposite of what you would expect. It's...
I don't know why on earth you think it is some crazy opinion to be anti-pay-to-win Or, that I am trolling or jealous. Pay to win, in my mind, ruins...
Yes I am against all those pay to win things you listed. I'd rather pay a higher sub or sticker price than have any pay to win whatsoever. That...
Man, I don't even play on teek. Stop making assumptions about me. I am against RMT. I am against zone disruption. I am against automated...
If you think all those enchanters aren't being automated in some way or another in a PL group you are naïve. Sure, the puller is actually playing....
Oh and also, using your own twisted logic, then killstealing them is just another way to play the game as well. So, in that case, I stand by my...
If you think pulling the whole zone into automated enchanters to give AFK people who are paying real money xp is just "playing the game in a...
The best way to combat PLers is to get a 2+ AE classes and just out damage them. They can only have one damager because of the piggie slots, so it...
Putting the lore/fantasy aspect aside for a minute. Magician's have good dps and respectable group tanking capabilities with their pet. Adding CC...
Thanks for the tip!
We just hit HoT on Mischief and I was trying out combat dummies and noticed Clash of Many nor any other "of many" spells were showing up in my tabs...
Any word on if that 11/28 update or the Direct X 11 changes will remedy this issue?
In the name of variety, chaos and spice I propose: Mobs on a 5 minute respawn timer Mob types are always random from any mob type in the expansion...
Having an opinion about something doesn't mean triggered. I think it's scumy and weird to spend real money to make yourself more powerful or...
I use the slightly weaker LDON version of these on Mischief (Underfoot). The value you get from them in mana savings feels better to me than a small...
I did want to confirm one thing. I noticed that in my eqclient.ini file that GraphicsMemoryModeSwitch=1 existed but GraphicsMemoryMode=2 did...
Separate names with a comma.