Make sure it's Vial of Iksar Blood that you're turning in and not just regular Iksar Blood, which also drops in the zone.
Also noticed task steps missing when doing the DoDH shared task "The Search for Ilsuras" offered by Kelliad in Stoneroot Falls.
To clarify the other comments: They just never updated the text in the spell description after moving the haste to the item itself. There's a...
There are two versions of Selo's Song of Travel available in the game, ID 1750 is the scribed version and ID 1330 is the item click version. Do...
Here's a page from the time that covers the stacking history and the introduction of SPA 98 aka "Bard Haste":...
It appears the rogue shroud is capped at 200 base skill, but if you can acquire Mechanized Lockpicks and either Cheirometric Lockpick Device or...
It places you directly in front of the tower.
Beastlord is the only class that can complete them all. Beastlord and berserker are the only epic 1.0s that are fully class-restricted, but you...
Spelling: Achievements Snart's
If you want to be able to capture both with and without the ranks, I believe this should work: ^--You sense (?<s1>(?:(?:Pestilent Paralysis|Greater...
Without the percussion mod, it's actually using the 10% from Restless Focus (max level 120). NoS Rank 3: TRUNC(ROUND(5171 Base Damage * (1 +...
It's working as intended. It's just the same thing people seem to forget every level cap increase heh: higher ranks of chants have higher focus...
Although it's close, necromancers technically get it before wizards: SHD/13 NEC/5 WIZ/7. However, they originally both got it at level 8, so...
That I couldn't say, but it appears, aside from the berserker epic effect, those that aren't focusable were all set as such at the same time...
Flames of the Valiant isn't focusable. Paladin, Beastlord, Berserker, Enchanter, Ranger, and Shaman epic 2.0 effects aren't focusable.
I've seen the same issue happen with the parcels window. The icon of something already retrieved remained in the box at the bottom.
You can see the movements in this video here at the timestamps mentioned:
I spent some time earlier this year farming Alligator Skins. From my experience, I can confirm that it only seems to drop from a fat alligator,...
This one is actually correct as is. It's in reference to Praetor Loricas.
It gets created, sent, and is then immediately deleted. They can see the crash reports on their side. You can actually copy it if you're fast.
Separate names with a comma.