Hey all So my main is a 110 druid and I also box a mage and an enchanter both 110. My setup is kind of ghetto, I box all 3 on 1 computer and 1...
I only box an enchanter and use my druid for pulling but am intrigued by this point Can you please explain a little about how you use this to...
Well that's disappointing, I was really looking forward to GMM but do not have TBL yet since I just bought RoS not too long ago I subbed my box...
Conflagrant Helms on my Druid, Mage and Chanter When I die and rez, things seem dark, I take the helm off and put it back on and things get...
3 things First, can you fix exodus and egress so when you evacuate it drops all aggro fron dots like it used to Not sure why it was changed but...
Still waiting to hear what is being done about druid remote nukes not healing their target of target when a pet is tanking the mob you have targeted...
Still hoping for a dev to comment please...
I have already done that months ago
Can a dev please comment on this and when or if it will be fixed It has been broken for a while and none of my posts on the subject have been...
I play a druid as my main and box a mage ( tank ) and chanter. I love the druid for ports, adps, evac in case hits the fan. I also pull using...
Druid Remote nukes are STILL not healing the target of target when the target of target is a mage or ench pet. It has been like this for months now...
I have bug reported this a while back It has been broken for over 2 months now Anyone else notice this or get any info as to when it will be...
No fix for druid remote nukes and the heal portion not landing on pets? It's been months now getting rather frustrating.
Any info on when druid remote heals will be fixed, they aren't working if a mage pet is target of target Been this way for months now
Are you fixing druid remote heals anytime soon, they aren't working if a mage pet is the target of target Been this way for months now
GM Serl told me to report this via /bug but I figured it wouldn't hurt putting it here too. Druid Remote heals are not healing pets when they are...
Hmm I cannot seem to se it working and have looked around all my windows. Anyone know what filter it is under? It is definitely not showing...
Heya all I had played a druid from about 2000 until PoP went fabled and have returned a few months ago. The druid is my main and i also play a mage...
Thanks for the replies I think it was just spike damage as theft of essence was not the issue I have since downed him several times by just...
Hey folks, so I play a Druid / Mage / Ench combo and until the last week or so I was able to handle The Gatekeeper with relatively little trouble...
Separate names with a comma.