It's a great guild, folks. Extremely helpful people, whom are generous with their time. If you're looking for a group of friends that also can play...
Can we get this fixed?!?!
I'm told I on the petition page i have to run a search before i can fill out a ticket. I did, no results found. Still can't fill out a ticket.......
I have two armor sets, and neither work with the helms my toons have equipped. everything else works though. Thats a shame, if only someone could...
Definitely wouldn't call it that, especially not with the FI overlords and box armies.
Anyone know what the average wait time is before a CS ticket is addressed? Been waiting for 2 days now on my ticket. I don't remember it ever being...
and then i try to zone when i finally get in, and the client crashed, back to square one. Two nights in a row basically ruined.
I lost two of the names I had last night, sooo annoying.
Started playing back in 1999. Didn't realize I had to connect my dial up service before trying to log in. Missed the first week of the game.. When I...
That longer route seems safer than trying to make it past highpass or runnyeye, thanks!
What are my chances of getting my lvl 1 from Qeynos to Freeport? The rest of my group will be in faydwer, and I want to join them ASAP. Will be on an...
What happened to wudan?
Thank you for responding. I really wish you'd have given more than a non-answer though. I'd prefer you say sorry, this is number 147 on our...
Raiding on Zek can be very frustrating due to this issue. I would love to see some type of response from the devs. Most of the players on zek are...
Questions for Twitch feed: How do you plan to allot your resources going forward, between adding new features like loot system and adding new...
I love character building. I've got 6-7 100+ toons across 3 accounts, box a lot. I keep playing for my friends and guild. Raid alot (please...
I wouldn't mind this in a VERY limited format, but the exchange rate would have to be large and you shouldn't be able to get current expac...
This is giving me flashbacks to last year when the company I worked for closed our business unit after not seeing the expected return for buying us...
Yea, I got Thom Terrazas to respond to a couple questions on twitter, and he said they would have more information to share Monday (Today)...
Separate names with a comma.