“- - Hand-ins can no longer be multiquested.” Discuss:
- Removed some legacy experience code so that experience-per-level is now uniform for all races/classes. Warriors, Rogues, and Halflings will no...
None of the rule sets still help mitigate rngsus and getting diverse loot off bosses! Free trade helps all guilds cause some will get excess of one...
Picture 1 month unlocks with unlimited dz spawns to farm out gear truebox or not It would cut down on account sales, since who the heck would buy...
Just curious of this combination compared to shaman and mage paired with the sk? This is on coirnav, but I’m thinking long term through OoW and...
Most professionals would do that after the first hour or two of downtime. It's kind of mind boggling that your last resort should have been your...
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