Just wait till they die, you'll know who failed to follow an emote.
Put it on the group vendor, use group coin. It is incredibly low, but also some mobs appear to only drop the Heroism ones and others only drop the...
You have to take off all your clothes first.
Chicken was spelled Chickin
I looked at the current posts and didn't see mentioned, if it has been I apologize for the duplicate. It doesn't really make the event harder for...
Had a person die, rezzed them, two more popped. Its buggy.
You can out run the specs. Also as the event nears the end you might see lots of name changes really fast as if it were queued up and blew through...
As Geartop says...'Deal with it! Whatever you do, don't open that door. They can't get in unless you open the . . . Idiots. I'm surrounded by fleshy...
Put a 6 hour lockout on the unity mission via hotfix, that will solve the problem when you cant see the quest giver due to all the campfire smoke....
Bump. While this isn't all inclusive of needs, just going off recent observations we can always could us more Bards. A druid and SK both recently...
Don't feed the trolls, nobody would ever be upset that a free account didn't net even more free stuff.
Its only work if you have to do it. Nobody makes us do it, we "volunteer" to help.
Far more guilds would hit artificial walls if testing were not done with a real raid force. Arbiter early on in beta was beatable but was far...
Everything these days is "beta tested" either formally or after it goes to market. If we don't help make the game better before launch,...
They got to raid Zlandicar by themselves and twitch how cool they are though.
Grats everyone on their wins yesterday!
Yes, glad they got it fixed and a few others have beat it as well. It's a fun event, and not having to wonder about the bug anymore makes it...
There may be something regional going on. Last night people in the western half of the US were having very long zone times while those of us on the...
I hope its per spawn, or just one failure early on kind of ends that. Our last win, one success, one fail, 10 success shadows. Never locked....
I've been using rogue mercs the last couple of weeks to fill in spots when crawling sleepers tomb. So long as its not on "burn" I have not had any...
Separate names with a comma.