Hey I resent this, we're up to 5 now!
Got my toon to 60, got another toon to 53 and when he's done its time to start persona stuff, so yeah.. just ROIDED out low level stuff happening....
Hello friend, the names Vetis. Vetis the Bard. Hit me up on Discord Vetis#1007, or in game Vetis/Cronos/Goat and I'll be happy to answer any...
Dark elf also has hide. But to answer the OP, just go high elf. You'll get a DE mask later and you can start and origin to the same city as...
Sounds like you've already decided. Play Enchanter now or you'll be playing it later. LOL
You're starting at the launch of a server. Join a guild, make friends and you'll always have a spot regardless of the class you pick. EQ is and...
Couldn't agree more. I don't understand the argument of slower exp. In the current form of EQ with personas, I see no reason not to. I had the...
Oh bro, this is wayyyy too much logic for Kahna.
This ^^^^^^^^^ I don't see how people don't grasp this. With Personas requiring to swap in a certain zone it is MORE convenient to just have...
Less convenient.
You're acting as if personas means people suddenly aren't grouping? Actually better yet, lets get into this. So, your argument is if Personas...
Whew, well this really took off. I appreciate everyone's input. It has been an interesting read for people's stances. It's hard to remain unbiased as...
Right, my hope is to change that. This is my argument against how it is right now.
I've been having a good debate in discord around Personas. I am curious what people think and how opinions may vary. To me a persona is a...
I'm going to main a bard with an enchanter box. In group settings I plan to melody the ol' bard in the corner while I pull/tank/dps/cc on the...
Inaccuracy here imo. "Agnarr is still a top server." Top? Yeah, idk about that one my friend. It's still alive, by no means would I...
I would encourage looking into the belts that drop in sky, they are very common. FBSS is overrated.
Oh no, hardcore zergs won't be able to DPS race smaller guilds on OW targets if they have FTE. Wouldn't that be a shame. ;)
Amazing how much traction we're getting this early, look forward to meeting more and more of you as we get closer and closer to launch! Come be a...
Separate names with a comma.