Have a few boxes in our fellowship. Cleric was max regular xp but not max AA, the SK was roughly a fresh 75 and still working on AA's as well....
As the title says, I am running into certain mobs, most notably the large spider models such as Kangur from Fergarin Raid #1 in TSS as well as the...
https://www.everquest.com/news/new-everquest-perks-2021 Not even sure what to make of it right away.
Tried to make Imbued Field Plate (Karana) and still unable to combine them in an Antonican forge. Anyone know when these recipes should be in? I...
See title. Seems like the hamster might be dying again.
Unable to auto attack or cast spells on a coldspine seahorse in Siren's grotto. Can send pets in to attack and they can damage them but nothing we...
I might of missed this, but I was curious if the previous threads would be uploaded so we can continue discussions instead of losing everything?
Separate names with a comma.