Please look into reducing the 5 minute combat lock after "raid" mobs. Many of the mobs that apply it are ridiculous and it makes the current pickzone...
Or you're just a repugnant person that no one wants to help.
They do the same thing in PoE. Its called Self Found. It can be fun, but like others said its not really suitable for EQ. Plus, if you just want a...
Who are you playing with? I saw tremendously more greedy behavior on Phini than Mischief. If anything loot is so cheap and accessible...
Ridiculous. Learn to test your changes guys. Unless making it worse for no reason is what you meant to do.
So... You thought that stacks of SKs killing raid mobs before their bodies could even appear in game was a more interesting gameplay model? Is...
What a terrible design decision. God forbid people want to revisit some old content without being blocked by perma campers. Its not like the cash...
This is exactly right. Anyone who has raided on a server with AoCs knows that so much raid loot gets wasted every week that allowing it to be...
I can't believe skud is still here spouting the same dumb arguments "buh buh brekt". Your logic is literally "FV is popular because its popular" and...
100% this. Servers weren't as top heavy back then so fewer people were seeing this sort of gameplay. The behavior today is actually less toxic...
Are people really still patting themselves on the back for clearing classic? lol
These arguments are a huge stretch lol. What do you care if people don't raid on their alts? In your example they are even still earning the gear...
Most every person I have ever played with raids because they like to raid. The gear is just what enables them to take on more difficult content. I...
Doesn't it stand to reason that if I can trade my way into a good set of gear I am actually *more* likely to see *more* content? It really makes the...
It really seems more like there is a small but passionate and vocal minority of people who hate free trade. It's the same two or three people in each...
Nothing quite like the gloating of a smug idiot. Gross.
Even if they aren't corrupt its going to be a terrible position to be in. How many people are they going to be allowed to ban before management...
So far the few people that have been positive about these servers have literally said they are *excited* to report people. Have fun with KarenQuest,...
I remember buying the stupid modem attachment for my PS2 just for that game. I didnt play it as much as I should have. It felt weird to play as an...
Oh womp womp. I quoted you exactly. You just confused yourself with a rambling runon sentence. If rereading what you wrote makes you upset you...
Separate names with a comma.