Caster spells and melee tomes use different quills inks etc so I did all tomes then went to work on spells just to reduce amount of different items i...
There is no NDA, anyone that pre orders can see beta forums and pass on info.
Just my 2cp ....... For those that are new to the beta process ... unless you are asking for a minor change/tweak to a disc or AA that is being...
Following raid leader to Kael without levitate on and jumping off the cliff outside to my death. Ditto for dropping into the Hole for the first time...
Bards are sick dps at the moment. Personally I run war zerk brd shm sometimes cler. Have often desired mage for getting around but cant deny the...
Processing power is less important than RAM and GPU memory. I'd say 6-8 gig of RAM and a GPU with minimum of 2 gig. I know of at least 3 people with...
RL hit me like a storm this summer so I'm on hiatus atm but will look you up on Bristle bro. Usually I bump into people i know from...
Would be nice if they made a feature @ log in that had a "your subscription is due for renewal on (date)" vs # of days remaining like they had in...
Lots of memories associated with those names. Spent a short period of time in Subliminal Realm with Darinae as RL then moved to Haven's Edge...
Both Decap and ACoC were used in the past as an excuse to stagnate the class ... so ya not a huge fan of upgrades to put us on par with other classes...
Reno was, and always will be a beloved member of RA. As was stated earlier he worked his off to lift people up and was always there to lend...
it is beatable ... but due to enrage timer and accelerated rise in levels on the debuff / dt its a death fest where rezzers burn out their rez sticks...
Any scientist worth their salt will tell you they just don't have enough data on this virus. It is still unknown for example if having it once...
On the flip side of things folks ... we might want to be a grateful for what we have instead of resentful of the things we don't have in these times....
Any complaints you have over the difficultly or lack of it in ToV you can lay at the feet of the players who 1. complained over TBL design 2....
With the way EQ formulae round up/down the ratio on a 35/36 delay weapon ends up better than that of a 30/32 delay weapon when HH is factored into...
Leveling up a new heroic character has never been much of an issue for people who box. Gearing them never an issue or big expense for those that...
I'd have to dig into logs, but just going off my horrible memory of hearing audio trigger that fires when fulmination occurs. The HHE from...
This guy has never failed to amaze since first saw him in 1987
Vumad lost his cape anyone seen it ?
Separate names with a comma.