I like it but there's no shot they'll put in the amount of work needed to do this, unless it's only in-era raid bosses. Most models are not global,...
I added time, and Mujaki to Bloodneedle.
Relax buddy the game is literally 20 years old
Grummus: T4 time loot Pack it in.
ok boomer (only most of them are ponzi schemes)
Reduce/remove the pick timer. Succoring your group addresses the original intent behind the timer in almost every zone, so now it's just really...
Just leave everything as-is. Who gives a damn if the golems drop loot that is meaningless in a couple months? The only appropriate fix was the...
But why are the devs complicit in allowing and even actively rewarding them for their behavior?
this is a social game, if someone scams you just make a monk and have fun
Sorry, that was me. I'll log out now
Dude, don't blame a terrible fix on people talking about an issue. Blame it on the developer who decided it was appropriate. Classic loot...
Ok it's an election for guild leader then? Stop being pedantic.
Correct. Imagine votes were counting as double for the first 3 hours of an election. Then you fix the problem but don't remove the extra votes...
The problem is you allowed this to occur for over a week, and then closed the gate after one guild exploited it and did not punish them. This...
I rolled a wizard expecting to be able to AFK half the time and then realized all of this. You have to micromanage rains to be efficient, at...
No, they're not allowed. Mods please take action. This is personally offensive to me as an individual.
The dev is in Faceless. It is known.
Clearly we are alpha testers. Really the only acceptable option is to leave it as-is. They've already farmed hundreds of items. Changing this now...
Just remove the timer now that it succors you.
Separate names with a comma.