When you pick up a stack of items you have to use the mouse to click accept. You used to be able to hit "enter" and have it pick up the stack....
Below it said that the flicking in bags was fixed. So this has to be a different issue because it's still doing it. Every sub caption/number for...
Ever since the patch I've noticed some small green vertical lines that flash on my screens. It happens on multiple computers. I've checked and my...
If it wouldn't be too difficult it would be nice to have a withdraw all feature on Both the trade skill Depot and the Dragon Hoard. This would let...
Hey just an FYI on the zone Shar Vahl, Divided. It keeps putting me to sleep. We did some CoV and it seems way harder than ToL, going to still...
This disc is on a 5 minute timer and states that it only works on mobs up to level 120. Is the description wrong or is it worthless? I'm...
So I'm making this post here instead of the bug forum. So that we can discuss the issue first and submit a proper bug. Here's what I have observed....
Please make these 2 into fables for next year and the year after. It'd be super fun!
So I'm capped max aa's and max xp. That doesn't matter much, but the max xp caps my fellowship XP sharing. This means that I am max xp and can not...
As I level up overseer demands more guys at higher levels. However the rewards are exactly the same. The collects hardly ever reward. Many times all...
With everyone being locked in doors and not able to leave, it's time to advertise this game. I see many people that I haven't seen for years. I...
I have met countless of people whom I group with that don't know why their AA doesn't work. Anyways, I think it would be great if you could...
So this was a cool little task. Had fun. So there is a bonus. It gives a 5k heal with a 23 hour recast. I think the extra baking recipe was more...
There needs to be an E-mail or a emote or announcement to tell you when the quest is "completed" I hate checking on it and finding out that I still...
All morning when I click the finish now button it's not working. It keeps saying, "Could not complete this purchase at this time." Considering...
So like I'm done with hunters, and I've helped multiple people with names. These ore's are way too rare. Magelo averages the names at 1 in 20 will...
I am wondering how well the expansion are doing. TOV is designed to allow a lot more people actually enjoy the expansion at the level of the...
Unwritten Glyphs can be obtained still via LON packs as prizes. These do not work at 115. Instead of giving you reward options it only gives you...
It would be cool to get a command to auto delete logs on log out. So that I can use GINA and Gamparse; yet, not have a massive file. So like an...
Pick numbers need to be way smaller. 8( If there's 20 players in zone there should be a pick available. In GD there's currently 44 and no pick.
Separate names with a comma.