We are a new guild with members who have played across many tlp servers. We are Not really into guilds with massive numbers and as such we are only...
wth is going on with this lag ? been trying to zone for 5 min now lol and whats up with fire not unlocking with omens being released ?
Dbg website is funded. Wanted to buy some packs but alas.
personally i like the idea of a 4 month expansion time that would start when progression targets are achieved. things to keep in mind: a boxable...
I personally Like the idea of the new box server starting in Luclin with toons starting out as 51/50, geared in defiant armor. Positive - any of...
You should give the true boxers exactly what they want, that is to say 1) Selos should be an IP locked one account per household Truebox server....
some people like this and some dont but i think it might be fun to expore the idea the true eq next update all zones/mob new toon models ( last...
All 20 true box fans fans have been quite vocal about how they Think this should all go down. I see dbg in a rock and hard place. They don’t want...
back when ragefire was first being discussed they * dbg* went to the community and found out what the community wanted with a series of votes. be...
posted this elseware but wanted your thoughts on it of the currant tlp servers there are three (3) true box servers and two box enabled servers no...
Hey guys, Brede here to let you know that (THC) The Hellfire Club on the ragefire server is back at it. We are accepting New players to the...
so yea this is a dead horse subject but i'm board so here it is. dream tlp server 1) limited boxing allowed (3) 2) fv/brext rule set 3) 4 month...
be cool if one of you well written types posted somehtig along the lines of player base vote per rule set add in the pros and cons of each type of...
a proposal for you consider making the following changes to the tlp servers 1) 54 man limit on any raid 2) instanced raiding where applicable a) tov...
when are you going to fix this so that the t2 mobs in hate start droping the pog armor ? an official dev response would be nice
like to see them completely redo the graphics of Everquest. make them look Nice like eq next. but leave the rest of the game alone. release the game...
Question for the devs: Will all the servers (Ragefire being the one I care about) get raid instance come Velious? Or Will you be upping the price...
what happened??
a bunch of us made guilds on beta and we wanted the same guild name on ragefire.. we cant log onto beta now to disband the guild so hence, ragefire...
Separate names with a comma.