1698/tcp, my ISP has it blocked outbound, as its used for VoIP on the router. Please don't start zones on ports under 10,000 and you won't have...
Its been "Coming Soon" for 3 years now. Can we add it to the laundry list of promises that were just ignored?
OK, so I'm a slacker and still haven't finished this achievement. Went and finished everything else involved, but Donart Rithkin in Loping Plains...
There are two "Crystal Leg" collection items (for different collection achievements). Could one of these get renamed to something else? (Or made more...
Is it possible it could be moved away from the banker a little?
Don't start up zones on port numbers less than 10000 so customer service doesn't have to deal with people who can't zone into zones that are on...
Am I missing anything? Buy crate Save house layout Move out Clean up shared bank Backup/rename charname_servername.ini,...
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