Trying to create a Velium Gem of Security

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Grogger99, May 23, 2023.

  1. Grogger99 New Member

    Trying to combine faded velium gem of security with a crystallized velium ore to make the velium infused gem of security. upon hitting the combine button, it gives me the error that combine would result in a lore item (velium infused gem of security) that you already possess.
    When I search for that on my person, nothing returns[IMG]

  2. Knifen Augur

    Its probably sitting in parcel or in some bag on property perhaps?
  3. Grogger99 New Member

    No parcels, my house doesn't have it and doing find, it doesn't show up either.
  4. Fanra

    Check your Dragon's Hoard? The Find Item excludes Dragon's Hoard unless the Dragon's Hoard is currently open during the Find item search.
    minimind likes this.
  5. Grogger99 New Member

    Thank you for that, I hadn't thought of checking that. However, just went and checked. 0/125 in the Dragon's Hoard :(
    minimind likes this.
  6. Alnitak Augur

    Check for Velium Empowered Gem of xxx, it's the same lore group
  7. Grogger99 New Member

    I was hopeful[IMG] :( no luck.
  8. Alnitak Augur

    Intermediate combine step, same lore group:
    Unfired Velium Empowered Gem Crucible
  9. Soulbanshee Augur

    Do you place old gear into other peoples houses or your GH? Those will not come up on find.

    Infused has no lore group. Empowered lore group is between its convertable types. Once you make the empowered (consuming the infused), you can make another infused.
  10. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Try typing /itemoverflow and make sure it didn't get in there somehow.
  11. Alnitak Augur

  12. Grogger99 New Member

    Not in other houses :( I have no idea why I cannot make this, submitted a Petition and they said to post here for help/bug.
  13. Soulbanshee Augur

    You need to change the phrasing, any petitions for "this doesnt work/I'm getting an error" will be closed and told to post. Petition that you are having trouble finding your Velium Infused Gem of Security. I can't guarantee it will work but I have heard of people getting responses before for locating items.
  14. Lianeb Augur

    you should be searching for Infused, not empowered
    Svann2 likes this.