Tradeskills and pottery inquiry

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by tuokenn, May 15, 2023.

  1. tuokenn New Member

    Could I please get some recommendations for pottery guides? I only just now gotten to 200.

    I think I may know how to get to 250 but then I am completely stuck! My goal is to get at least over 300.

    Maybe 350. I hope you can make some helpful recommendations please.
  2. Cadira Augur

  3. Cadira Augur

  4. Velisaris_MS Augur

    You didn't mention what server you're on. I'm assuming a Live server since you didn't post this in the TLP forum

    If you're at 200, just make Unfired Spherical Bottles (trivial 302) until you hit 300. Since they added Air-infused Spring Water to the merchant in WW (CoV), everything is farming. Expect to make A LOT, so stock up accordingly.

    Once you hit 300, max out your Pottery AA, then use to figure out which recipes you need to hit 350.
    Tallie and Svann2 like this.
  5. Shredd Augur

    Cloud the Third likes this.
  6. Fanra

    Never, never, never max out your tradeskill AAs until you have leveled your trophy all the way.

    There are a number of easy recipes that trivial at just above 300 that will become useless to you if your skill becomes equal to or above their trivial.
  7. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Wouldn't you be wasting mats by not maxing out your TS AAs?
  8. tuokenn New Member

    Good information. Quick question. As I don't have the Claws of Veeshan expansion at the moment, could you recommend a work around (or alternative)?

    As I'm a returning player I'm not really playing high end at the moment and it's why I don't have latest expansions. I'm still trying to catch up on the lower end stuff. There is a lot of catching up to do for us returning players. I call it the catch up game and it's a real labor of love if you know what I mean.
  9. Cadira Augur

    Or ask someone to buy you 2.5k of the things from cov you need.
  10. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    If you are a tradeskill enthusiast, the newest expansion, Night of Shadows, has a feature you might really want. The Tradeskill Depot is a shared bank space that holds massive stacks of tradeskill components. If you are making a combine from a known recipe (vs Experiment) the crafting container will even pull the materials from the depot. At minimum, it's a 300+ 'bag' that doesn't take a bag slot and holds oversize stacks (10K?) but you can also expand it. It won't hold every single possible tradeskill item, but even on my accounts where I got the basic I was able to free up so much bank space and no longer have to use shared bank bags to move material around, at least on the same account. Even if you're no where near level 120, the depot is usable to level 1 and is an account wide unlock and works on TLP, too.
  11. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    I have issues with that site where all it gives me when trying to upload files is site not available or returned no data errors. I can see all the available recipes, i just cant upload log files to compare. It seems to hate my output files
  12. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    There's another useful step between "max out AA" and "make recipes to hit 350"

    If you find Adetia's website (under Township Rebellion, I think), it shows all the tradeskill recipe books available in game, which, when read, actually teach you the recipes just for doing that. So, there will be a ton of combines you don't have to do, and for some of the tradeskills, you will actually get to, or just above, 305, just because you read all these recipe books :)
  13. Velisaris_MS Augur

    The spring water is tradeable, so you could ask a friend or guildmate to pop over and buy it for you. It's only like 1 silver or something ( practically free). I keep a druid with a secondary bind at the merchant there, so it's real easy to gate there, buy what I need, and gate back to PoK to give it to another toon. It's likely someone on your server has the same set up, so it wouldn't hurt to ask in general chat for some help.
  14. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Yeah, I forgot about the books...good call.
  15. Soulbanshee Augur

    300 guide, but if we have any easier modern recipes since 2012 it won't be in here.

    My offline parser for 350, matches what eqrecipes does online, plus has a few other parsers.
  16. Soulbanshee Augur

    Of 205 scribable books/scrolls/whatever that I found, 101 had recipes that counted to 350, with over 70 of those books counting being cultural recipes. And cultural books give you a loooooooot of recipes for 4 TS.
  17. Fanra

    Buy the TS AAs that improve your recovery and then stop when the next one is raise your cap above 300.
    Sissruukk and Nennius like this.
  18. Flatchy Court Jester

    Does someone have a great TS app to tell you what books you dont have scribed yet? That would help alleviate that nagging feeling like you are missing free recipes.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon pretty sure it lists at the top the books your missing
    Fanra, Sissruukk and Aanuvane like this.
  20. tuokenn New Member

    Sounds like a good strategy but out of curiosity; what did people do before the Claws of Veeshan came out to get as close to 300+ in pottery?

    Oh I know you're right about this. You know its interesting from the position of a returning player. Back in the day it used to be basically you didn't have to turn to books. It used be you could pick up this stuff fast and easy in guild chat or someone could point you to a web based guide some where.

    There were some videos and amateur self help guides placed on places like geocities web pages and later you come back and *poof!* all that stuff is gone. As a returning player you look around and ask what happened? Where did it all go? The experience feels less or some what poorer. I expected to come back and find things would have improved from back in the day? o_O

    To see its not like that is a disappointed. You didn't have to research any thing. People just knew stuff.

    It used to be people would post on angel fire, share gnome tinkering guides, enchanter jewelry crafting and blacksmithing and all these guides for every imaginable craft and quest to include pottery!! Huge amount of involvement of a player base and guilds would write player-made guides to pass around. People would write some great guides sharing their experiences. Amazing generosity and information sharing. They would have debates in really long super threads. :)

    Poof! It is all gone. :eek:

    Where is that EQ? Where is it? You kinda feel like Rip van Winkle. He woke up after 20 years and *poof* everything is gone. Honestly truly theres some old self help guides out there but they're dead. Out of date completely. wheres the community involvement we had back in the day?

    Community involvement yes. If it ain't what we had even back in the day; I feel like wow. I guess we always expect things to get better. I definitely didnt expect things would be difficult to return.

    What can we do to bring it back for the love of the game?