I asked AI who is the best EverQuest player in history

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by jeskola, Apr 23, 2023.

  1. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Chatgpt is garbage. But its going to become ubiquitous. I feel for college professors that have to deal with papers people try and pass off from it. It was bad enough 3 decades ago when the internet became pervasive and it was kids stealing other people's original work.

    Its like the difference in China/India and U.S. higher education, and why their best and brightest come here before going home, it (the higher education system outside a couple of old existing programs) grew so quickly it outpaced their ability to comprehensively staff and educate, and fell back on rote learning and copying.

    When I was teaching around 2000-2004, we always had problems with students from those countries with plagiarism. But they weren't trying to cheat, its just how they were taught.

    We are headed the same direction, unfortunately, but due to people quitting teaching creating the resource scarcity outside the top universities.

    It also is going to homogenize content creation in advertising and television and the internet until everything gets so unoriginal and repetitive that it crashes. The more companies rely on the algorithm creation systems to create things, the more they will all return similar/same results, because the variance in the background data gets smaller.
    Nennius and FYAD like this.
  2. Iven the Lunatic

    That would be creativity which is a godly characteristic. I think that AI could only simulate creativity because it is not capable to receive the godly spark which is the beginning of live on earth.
    Nennius likes this.
  3. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    That would be you, because you're always sitting on the loo

    : )
    Flatchy and Nennius like this.
  4. Cloud the Third Augur

    I failed a class in college for "cheating" because I used some sample code to write my code. The sad part is the code I used for the base didn't even do what the assignment said to do but because the code was similar even though I had altered it to do something different the professor failed me in the class. I tried to appeal it but the people who made the final decision didn't even understand how code works so it was a joke.

    Probably partly my fault the code that matches his program looking for things that were taken from something else was code not even called in the project but I didn't bother to delete the unused part of this code so I got failed in a class for leaving in code that wasn't even used as part of the assignment.

    I find it funny because using existing code is probably one of the most important skill for a coder and makes me 6 figures a year doing it. Never waste time writing code from scratch if you can copy starting code posted online and just make changes to it. I have a ton of code I wrote from scratch for things I never found online but I have a massive private library to pull that code from to use in other projects.
  5. Iven the Lunatic

    @Cloud the Third

    Are you good in php ?
  6. Cloud the Third Augur

    Never really worked with php. Mostly C#, java, node js, C++ (been a while), and a number of other languages that I have not used in over 20 years when is started coding at 8.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  7. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    I'm kinda old and the engineering program I was in at the time funneled people to NASA, so we had to learn FORTRAN. Useless language but kind of cool to know what it was still being used for in the 1990s.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  8. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    It was actually worse before the internet. People could get by with completely copying the work of others and passing it off as their own. It was just easier for the people doing this after the internet came along because of copy/paste rather than having to write or typing it all out themselves.

    If you were teaching around 2000-2004, your native students were doing the exact same things to cheat, they just had been trained by their previous teachers in how to get away with it. The students from those countries likely were not properly siting sources and didn't paraphrase what was said. There is no actual difference between what the students did; it is just that the foreign students didn't know they needed to hide it.

    Asian countries send their top students to the U.S. for college and university because those colleges and universities already are at the cutting edge in the STEM fields, and they can usually get in for less than what it would normally be, and much less than what it would cost for that country to pay for its own college or university at the same level.

    Most quality education begins with rote learning and copying. In Western HS and colleges, you just are taught how to hide what you did or how to copy it in an acceptable way.

    There is no shortage of teachers in the United States, there maybe a shortage to a degree in rural areas and places where people just don't want to live or work, but as a whole there is no shortage. The problem with modern education has nothing to do with a lack of teachers or things like ChatGPT or Google Bard. It has to do with teachers today wanting to not teach but instead indoctrinate.

    Obviously, you have not watched any modern media in the last 30+ years because the stories in them have been the same. They have all been remakes of adaptations or old stories set in the modern day. Content creation has been homogenized for decades now, it is still going strong. If anything, I can see the AI generated content actually create original characters and stories moreso than any human centric operation, because the human centric ones want to just reuse the existing IPs and change the characters to fit their current political views rather than trying to create new IPs that are built around those political views.
  9. Sissruukk Rogue One

    BASIC ftw.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  10. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh


    Dabbled in many others.

    Remember a good buddy that was all about the FORTRAN and COBOL back in the day.
  11. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    I used GWBASIC to write my own multithreading bytecode virtual machine.
  12. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Interestingly while I sucked at higher math, I could write code to do the math for me.
  13. Fenthen aka Rath

    Show us where Fansy hurt you.
    kenmei, Act of Valor and Nennius like this.
  14. Bamboompow Augur

    AI has the same rules as all the rest of tech. Garbage in and garbage out. Only now, since it new, shiny and probably considered superior to the flawed logic of people, we are going to put it in charge. Many highly paid, highly credentialed people will view it as a cost saving method, faster decision maker and the answer to repetitive white collar tasks. In spite of the fact that AI will have no empathy, zero humility etc.

    So go ahead and put something in charge that has never been punched in the face, put in its place, been told its wrong, fallen in love, suffered the loss of a death of a loved one etc. Better yet have the data base for it be the internet, since no one ever lies and there isn't a mob mentality online.AI will certainly make truth obsolete, since it will help the ideal that its only what people believe that matters, not what is actually true.

    If AI kills us, we will have deserved it.
    Nennius likes this.
  15. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I do hope that it couldn't happen, but...

    What if I choose to give my life to AI? It could be cool to give up all personal responsibility to it. For example,

    Me: Pardon me your honor but AI is running my life now. I am not responsible for my actions.

    Judge: Hmmm

    Me: Honest, I don't think any more, I just let the AI deity decide and direct.

    Judge: Well, let's pretend I am AI and I direct you to the gaol for the next 30 days.

    Me: But, but, but...

    AI is here, like it or not, but the limits on it need to be very carefully thought out or the consequences could be pretty serious. Do we want AI to control all vehicles, power plants, or perhaps even the devs at a gaming company?
  16. Bamboompow Augur

  17. Bigstomp Augur

    It wasn't me the AI picked, so obviously it's broken.
    Flatchy likes this.
  18. Flatchy Court Jester

    If its any consolation I voted for ya.
  19. Sissruukk Rogue One

    AI still has its basis in human thinking, so it will naturally have the biases, desire, etc. of the person/people who programmed it. Sure, it may be an emotionless entity spitting out answers and automating devices, and it may be self-learning, but the basic building blocks that it grows from are initially human, and you can't get rid of that.
  20. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    Isn't that a bit of a "chicken and the egg" paradox?