Happy Anniversary, and Thank YOU!!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Veteran_BetaTester, Mar 16, 2023.

  1. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Log in, and you get the Mug and Hat ornamets on your curser and /claim potion!
    Jedis, Nennius, xcitng and 3 others like this.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Why no destroy?

    If you don't have the heros forge feature it is useless.
  3. bigpapa Augur

    nm , xp potion was not in /claim this morning at 10h am east , but i just logged in and it was there , all good , and thanks DB :)
  4. Brickhaus Augur

    It has been mentioned in other threads, but hit Refresh in the claim window and you may have to log out and back in, but it should be there at the bottom of your claims list.
  5. Foxpaws Dragonlover Lorekeeper

    Leveling from scratch so that goblet is very useful. But one time deal? Is there a way to get more during the event?
  6. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    No destroy is prevent support tickets about accidentally destroying...

    The "all characters" reward requiring Hero's Forge is very disappointing with HF being a per-character ~$12 (1200DB) to unlock. If the hat was also place-able, that would have given it at least some use. As it is, if you have a F2P account, it's not exactly a "free" gift and could be rather pricey if you have more than one character.

    HF unlock should be account wide.
    • HF unlock should be available via Loyalty merchant or Overseer tetra-thingies (especially since there is HF stuff on the tetra-thingie merchant)
    • The hat slot, like the weapon's slots, shouldn't require the unlock.
    Because of the unlock being not-free, the hat should have been the All Access reward and the stein the all players. It takes just under 3 months of the DB grant for All Access to get 1 unlock.

    NOTE: Nothing in the announcment (or even on the item itself) has information about Hero's Forge needing to be unlocked. Only when you attempt to use it do you find the slot locked. That's also an issue with the items on the HF merchant in PoK and, I believe, all other HF items obtained in game. Only the HF items on the Marketplace note that you need the unlock to use them.
  7. Notinterested Augur

    I dont know what you two are even talking about. Neither item requires heroes forge. The hat can be equipped in your head slot or converted into a heroes forge aug if you have it.

    Heroes forge is not required for either item you 2 are literally complaining about nothing.
    Annastasya likes this.
  8. Notinterested Augur

    Its not though. Its a head slot item anybody can equip that has the option of being converted into a heroes forge item. Did you even look?
    CatsPaws likes this.
  9. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Zero stat item. Peachy. Sure, you can equip it, but be sure to remember to swap it to a real item before you go do anything.
  10. Notinterested Augur

    Its a complimentary party hat that anybody can use. Still not good enough...
    Elyssanda likes this.
  11. Mesc No $$$ Until the Experience is put back on Mobs!!!

    Stein and Goblet only for Gold members?
  12. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

  13. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    The Hat has 2 different formats.

    The original hat (Dashing Feather Cap) you get can be put on ANY All Access or Silver player in place of the helmet they are wearing. In cannot, at this stage, be put into the slot 21 that is in helmets. If you attempt to put it in that slot you will get the message "You attempted to insert an item that is not an augment" You will get no stats from just wearing it this way

    With the window for the hat open, if you click the convert it then coverts it to an augment that will fit into the slot 21 in helmets and then changes from Dashing Feather Cap to Dashing Feather Cap Ornamentation. These slot 21's are better known as the Hero's Forge feature. If you do not own that feature then you cannot put it into that slot and the only way to wear it at that point is the above way

    If you click convert and later decide you do not want to use it as an ornament for whatever reason then you can click the convert again and it goes back to just Dashing Feather Cap
  14. Alnitak Augur

    CatsPaws likes this.
  15. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    In case you were not aware Lesson of the Devoted can be used about once a day (20 hours) and doubles the amount of experience you gain when killing NPCs for the next half an hour, Its under you AA special tab and is there from level 1.

    Or the free one that all players get in the marketplace. You only get one on one character so chose wisely.
  16. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Seemed to me like they were just asking, not complaining.
  17. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    You can buy exp potions in the marketplace with db dollars
    Nennius and Veteran_BetaTester like this.