NEW UI April

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by uberkingkong, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    I dislike Windows 11 layout.
    Especially right clicking something, my option isn't there, show me more options button. It's not SMART, I use same thing again and again it doesn't realize I keep doing this over and over again and put my option on the listing.

    However, EQ UI and Windows 11 is apples and oranges. Adding sorting and filtering to things that do not have it, and more options to it, isn't cutting anything, if anything its condensing things and make you quickly find things or now able to comprehend things.

    My suggestions may not just be 100% UI, but its not 100% needing code either.
    UI person can figure out how to
    1.Combat log condensing per tick (let you adjust this, you want raw go ahead, I'd like per tick, it already scrolls so quickly, and x6 people and mob thats 7 lines, if 7 people triple attack thats 21 lines a second, which is difficult to comprehend too much for the combat box). No person is looking at and comprehending scroll fest combat log. Only thing that looks at it if anything is GINA or similar AI.
    1.b. Have filters, sort boxes, color coding option/flexibility. Those are not there in the combat log, that's UI.
    2. Quest History, I need better information than title and date I did it. What expansion was it in? Was it a group mission? Sure you need to do a little work, not hard. Look at the code in the achievements, and how that was done. It's already been done, the data already exists, they just need to put it in the Quest History UI and make it nice window.

    I want to revisit quests I done in the past, quest history is tedious to go quest to quest until I find the quest I was looking for in the state it is in right now.

    3. LFG Window it needs updating,
    Simple checkbox saying your interested in certain expansions is UI. Click checkbox, it puts by your name the expansion icon, shows everyone you want to do that expansion.

    People are boxing because LFG window is terrible.
    Why would someone say in general chat they are LFG and not use the LFG window?
    EQ think tankers need to think about why, and find a solution.
    People don't use your LFG window on Live, it needs an update. Something is wrong with the LFG window/UI feature if no one uses it on Live. Need to look into this.

    If your reasoning for people don't use LFG on Live is because boxing.
    4. Boxing UI features/window. Alt tabbing necessary all the time, especially to just have your box do a simple attack on? Your pressing the button regardless. Box friendly UI/window is needed if "everyone is boxing".
    Yes its more than just UI, but UI is also needed for this.