Let’s Make EverQuest Better For All

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by ibc93, Oct 25, 2022.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You make a claim about games that don't have non tradable items and a simple Google search proves that wrong. Not to mention the style of gameplay in several of those games isn't anything like EQ which makes them a bad comparison for each other. EQ is find the way it is in regards to items and them not being tradable.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I think it should be pointed out that there is a thread in the Veterans Lounge asking for ultra rare items to be made no trade in the future because of the spam from selling them. Just a reminder that some like being able to trade and sell everything and others do not.
  3. FranktheBank Augur

    Using that example for Eve is essentially like calling FV/Mischief not free-trade because epics arent tradeable. It's not about finding the single outliers. It's about the overall picture.

    With the overall picture, Eve is free trade, it essentially has to be as its mostly a player driven economy. It is also not a great example of a successful mmo because it's basically as its lowest hype ever in the history of the game.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If you are going to make a claim about the number of items that are tradable versus the ones that are not you should be honest with the claim and state that it is a limited amount and not imply that it is all items are tradeable.
  5. FranktheBank Augur

    You should also be reasonable with your posting. FV is free trade. What you are saying is it should say FV is Free trade except for epics and some other items like clicky summons and then randomly one off items.
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I have never made any posts claiming that every item on the server is tradeable or that every item on the server should be. If someone is going to make a post about games with everything being tradeable it shouldn't take a simple Google search to find that is not true and that they are not the same play style as EQ making what they do not even relevant.
  7. Pizzanomicon Augur

    I mean they already did a great job of reducing scarcity by making the Enchanter epic spoon MORE SCARCE. They did this change mid tlp and really have no idea how it's going to make that problem even worse. So instead of being able to buy it in a competitive market, now you're just going to be held hostage by krono farmers in era xD. Great change !
  8. FranktheBank Augur

    Spoon bottleneck was WAY easier than Vessel and Verina.
  9. Overcast451 Augur

    How about a Free trade server, but.. only 'free trade' for expansions OTHER than the current. The current expansion - all drops that belong to that particular expansion that aren't common should be 100% no drop.

    That way, during the current expansion, there's no point in farming anything at all for RMT sales.

    Then we the next comes out, anyone can buy it.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You are suggesting making things in an expansion that are currently tradeable no trade just because they are in the current expansion? Sounds like you are asking for trouble. Not to mention there are still things that get farmed many expansions later and would still be impacted by RMT.