EQ Tick Parser

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Blastoff, Aug 11, 2022.

  1. Blastoff Augur

    I've wanted to play around with Flutter desktop for a couple months and finally found a fun project to work on. This program parses all of the raid dumps in your Everquest folder between two dates and outputs in a format that is good for copy pasting into a spreadsheet.

    Attendance Format:

    1's represent ticks the player was present for.

    The project is available in my Github repo at:


    To use EQ Raid Boss, open the installers folder on github and download the .exe file. Install the program, then click on the folders in the lower left corner and point to your Everquest directory for the raid tick parser and do the same for your character's log file to use the loot collector.
    Change the start and end dates to parse loot and raid attendance. Hit now if you want it to monitor for changes. Items can be added to the block list with a long press on the item on the Loots tab or by clicking the plus on the blocked items tab and adding new blocked items(1 per line). Blocked items can be removed the same way. Click on the output on the Loots or Ticks to copy a summary to clipboard in a format that is spreadsheet and Raid Builder friendly.
    Koshk, Sancus and Arkanny like this.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You might want to put some more detail into the post about what the parser is doing and how it would be useful to people.
  3. Blastoff Augur

    What this program does is it looks for files in your Everquest folder containing 'RaidRoster' then uses the date modified property of those files to filter for only files between the given start and end dates to produce an attendance output for all included raid dumps.

    The use case this was built for is my guild's open plat raids where we use a spreadsheet to track attendance, items sold, and everyone's plat split based on items sold and their attendance.
    Sancus likes this.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It is an attendance parser? Would be good to include in your original post to help people understand what they would get out of your program.
  5. Blastoff Augur

  6. Blastoff Augur

  7. Blastoff Augur

    I added a loot collector to EQ Tick Parser and renamed it to EQ Raid Boss. TLDR: It's a loot collector with sorting and a block list.
    I moved the github repo to here:

    For a more in depth description check out this video.

    CrazyLarth, Windance and code-zero like this.
  8. Blastoff Augur

    I added a plat parcel tracker to EQ Raid Boss. Just re-download the .exe on the github page. Your blocked items should still be saved after installation. If you sort the sheet I made in the video above by purchaser and price, it should line up well with the plat parcel tracker output. I also made a some changes to Raid Builder. The raid auctions info page is now a sortable table and you get output from it in the upper right corner by tapping the clipboard icon.
  9. Blastoff Augur

    I'm thinking about adding a log file cleaner to EQ Raid Boss. The idea is you select channels such as chat, server wides, or item loots and EQRB deletes everything else. Is this something you guys would like? Definitely interested in what you all would like the option to save before I code it up. I think this would be a super cool option instead of deleting your log file and losing all memory of your toon. I have lost conversations with good friends needlessly due to the size our log files can grow to.
  10. Blastoff Augur

    I made it so the EQ Raid Boss plat parcel parser outputs the totals players have sent between two times as well as their individual parcels. Raid Builder also got a matching feature for outputting won auctions for a given raid. This gets rid of the need to have everyone send one parcel per item when collecting plat. Raid Builder also got a bunch of cool upgrades including the ability to win more than one item per auction and the ability to see the focus effects of items on hover everywhere in the app.