Missing/Broken recipes for Beastlord Luclin Spells

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Yinla, Aug 6, 2022.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    60 Savagery
    60 Sha's Advantage

    Neither of the 2 above beastlord spells are listed have recipes on Alakazam or EQTraders so either they were missed when luclin research were added or the obvious combines do not combine or they would have been found by now.

    The other Luclin spells which are not dropping on Vaniki are researchable the above 2 are not.
    Sarglahob, Zaguraku and Ravenclaws like this.
  2. Ravenclaws New Member

    Can we get it confirmed if these spells are missing recipes, broken recipes or just undiscovered?

    Waiting till November for them to go on a vendor is not an option, as by then we will have moved on to level 65 and their upgrade will be available.

    Raids have moved on from Luclin and are working on the 4 expansions which have just dropped. Going back to the 3rd expansion when you have up to the 11th available just to get beastlord spells doesn't seem well thought out.

    Other classes Luclin spells can be created by research so they don't have to go back 8 expansions to get them, why not beastlord spells?
  3. Aanuvane Augur

    I am guessing this this is related to Yinla's question in another thread as well. I am not an expert - but I think originally, only INT caster spells and some priest spells were researchable? I just checked other level 60 hybrid spells and it doesn't look like any of them were researchable back in era?

    I don't think they ever went back and added any spells after the revamps/changes in 2005, 2008 or 2016.
  4. Aanuvane Augur

    Also, though it's been a while - I have dabbled in the past to see if older non-Rk. II spells that appear to be "undiscovered" and never recall experiencing any success (if I had discovered anything, I'd have added it to EQTC).
  5. Zaguraku New Member

    You are missing the main point on the spells missing from vendors though. There is no reason we should have to research spells from expansion 3 when we currently have expansion 11 unlocked.
  6. Aanuvane Augur

    Except OP and next post both mention research.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    While we shouldn't have to, other spells can be research, the hybrid spells should be too.

    What's good for casters is good for all the others.
  8. Aanuvane Augur

    Completely agree. But if they are going to go back and add recipes....please follow the "rules" :D
    Yinla likes this.