No, the devs do not need to reinvent the wizard..just a small adjustment

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Highwizard, May 18, 2022.

  1. kizant Augur

    Sure. There are other ways to approach things. They could also make the content harder to compensate but it shouldn't be something off limits to discuss when there's such obvious differences.
  2. Ozon Augur

    I don't play casters at all, keep that in mind.

    How about a 30 sec AA, that allows you to Triple case all spells, at double the cost of mana, and HP equal to .5 the cost of the original mana cost (ie Cast Nuke for 20k, X3, but mana is 10k vs 5k, and 2,500 hps per cast) focus all work, can's focus down the HPs cost though, all other focus sure why not. Also I made up those numbers~

    From my point of view, 30 sec of triple cast seems pretty bursty, mana cost should be appropriate, and the cost of HPs, means you take a fair risk with AEs or blood aggro, or if your tanks are aggro weak say bye bye.
  3. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    They could split Arcane Destruction up in 2 abilities, a rune-part and a dps part. Then reduce the cooldown on both to 12 minutes.
  4. Arkanny Augur

    A triple twincast would be really effective! Just don't know if i'm too big on the HP cost part of it. And eventually it would end up being available to other casters in time since it's a bit generic.
  5. Ozon Augur

    I was thinking from a lore perspective, the HP cost was "the wizard pushing themselves to the physical limit", but yeah it does sound a bit like Necro Blood Magic. Also I doubt lore is really taken into consideration in thee discussion in any meaningful sense.

    I hadn't considered that down the line the other casters might get a form of Triple cast, that is a bit disappointing.
  6. Arkanny Augur

    Well unfortunatelly that was my experience. Wizards get shinny thing, everyone else complains wizards are too OP, devs give shiny thing to others and nerf wizards to the ground. Rinse and repeat x.x