Feedback / Ideas --- Section

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sippycup, May 4, 2022.

  1. Sippycup The Holy Grail of Aradune

    Hail Norrathians, I have a bunch of ideas for the Game which include Instanced Mission ideas that can be Marketplace Bought. Along with Suggestions for added Revenue for Darkpaw Games. I don't really know where to send these ideas other than just IM a Dev in Discord, which would probably be wrong to do. I also don't want to just post these ideas on the public forums. Do we have a way to send these in for review ?
  2. Alnitak Augur

    Just post your ideas here. Many people are at work and bored, so it wll be an entertainment to read about your ideas and how those will be dismantled and shitted over in replies.
  3. Pops Racer Olde Faht

    OK, I'll bite. (Work is boring today anyways.)

    Allow me to hand my merc a potion, food or drink and they consume it immediately.
    This allows my non-caster types to buff their mercs.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Why not just post the ideas? You may get really good feedback and other players support your idea to the tune it gets changed like they have in the past. (random music option which is broke right now or parcel merchant in lobby)

    Not like your getting residuals off of them. Don't be embarrassed:oops: there are lots of dumb ideas in this game

    But overall I agree there should be a suggestion forum. Doubt any dev would ever set foot in it:) They (the community leader of the year) says to just post in Veterans forum if you have ideas.
    Sippycup likes this.
  5. Sippycup The Holy Grail of Aradune

    OK, I'll give you a taste !

    One idea is to have a "Monster Mission Duel" Purchasable in Market Place. The mission's premise
    is to be able to invite and Duel another Player or up to 6 Players Free for All, Or even just solo against a AI Monster/ Dragon. Where you get to chose from a list Monsters or Dragons that You control, being able to chose the stats and abilities much like you do in a normal monster mission, VS the other Player or AI that they chose to control. And battle it out in an instanced zone.
    Something that is more spectacular than the current Arena. A place that starts you off on opposite sides of a Dungeon or City, and you have to find the other player or AI to Attack. One can simply hide and ambush the other or have a bunch of traps or mobs in the way to get to each other. After the battle to the death, the winner gets some sort of Loot or Title after the Win !
    Think of it playing call of duty but in Everquest.
    We have wedding chapel zones in Market Place for interaction. I think this would be a better way
    to have fun in a duel and be a way for Darkpaw to generate Income.

    I have more ideas but I'll see where this one goes first !
  6. Zieri Content Designer

    Yep, just feel free to create a thread about your idea and we'll see it. The more community likes on the post, the more weight will be behind it, as well. We love feedback!
    Quatr, minimind, Nennius and 2 others like this.
  7. Sippycup The Holy Grail of Aradune

    Based on the previous concept " Look above post " have a mission called " Clash of the Raid Bosses "
    Where you chose a level of difficulty. Based on that level of difficulty you get to choose from a pool of Raid Bosses YOU control against another Player or Players or even just Solo against other Raid Bosses ! in a duel to the death in an instanced zone. Purchasable in the Market Place.

    This can also be available from an NPC in Pok ?? if you didn't think it was popular to charge for these events.
  8. Ssworidss Journeyman

    What is your aim with these? Like, why would shrouding make duels more interesting? Especially as the community would heavily crunch the numbers to figure out who gets the easy wins. Also, who would be the target market? I can't imagine more than a vanishingly tiny minority of players would be willing to pay real money to have a duel while shrouded.

    Honestly, also, I believe you're suggesting it be paid for via the marketplace to justify the costs of development? If so, I'm personally against it because I cannot see the devs being allowed to hire a new person to develop this, meaning all the time sunk into developing it (and, as this is a whole new thing, there's going to be a fair chunk of dev time...) is time taken away from some other feature. If it came down to this or another zone in the next expansion, I know which one I'd pick.

    Lastly, if you're a raid boss, there's going to have to be a whole lot of dev time sunk into making the missions fair for the raid, as the raid boss player will know that without healers, everyone else drops dead real fast, while at the same time allowing the fight to be winnable by the raid boss player, taking away bandaids like making healers way more durable than actual raid healers are. Which all feeds back into my second point about dev time being required, and the slim chance a new dev would be hired to handle this instead of one of our already very busy devs being tapped for this and something else being axed.
    Yinla likes this.
  9. Sippycup The Holy Grail of Aradune

    For one F U N ?
    Nobody wants to Duel the old fashioned way, largely because of level and class unbalance ?
    Others interfering or their " boxes " interfering ?
    Revenue for Daybreak ?
    Play in an instanced zone Dungeon, City have other mobs variables to interrupt in your duel
    Win and get a Title , Achievement or loot appropriate or trinket
    Instead of sitting waiting for a group for long extended times play against the computer ?
    Shroud into a Raid Boss instead of your own character ?
  10. Sippycup The Holy Grail of Aradune

    And this is why I would rather send in feedback via PM's
  11. Truetotheblue Augur

    You always need to be open to receiving criticism. As Zieri mentioned, the "like" function gives them the ability to see what players want and like. If you send it in PMs you're not opening it up to further discussion or giving the devs any opportunity to gauge the overall perception to it. Just because YOU think it is a good idea, does not mean it is going to be accepted by everyone. You have to be willing to listen to the opinion of others, which doesn't happen in PMs. The devs would never get anything done if they went through PMs all day or their DMs on discord discussing ideas with people. Put it out in the open, understand some people will disagree, and go on with the discussion from there. There's always going to be someone who doesn't agree with you and that is OK. It's part of having the discussion to begin with.
    Sippycup likes this.