Cannot Reproduce Mischief - player corpse disappeared after death

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Babycake, Feb 3, 2022.

  1. Babycake New Member


    I contacted support but they were not helpful. So here it is

    I was playing on "Babycake" on Mischief server in the plane of growth with some friends. Unfortunately I died to a swarm of pumas and while my bard was able to drag their corpses away safely and rez, when we tried to find my corpse we couldn't. We tried with 2 bards. It didn't seem to exist.

    I went to shadowrest and hailed the corpse summoner and no corpse could be found.

    Support is telling me my corpse somehow magically got transported to potranquility 10 minutes after dying and then rezzed - expect thats explicitly not true. I died, corpse seemed to disappear. I lost xp. Whatever logs support can see sounds more like they saw my character Babycake release and end up in PoTranq.

    To my knowledge at this stage in PoP there isn't even a way to summon a corpse from PoG to PoTranq (if there is hey, cool, but thats not what happened)
  2. niente Developer

    I can confirm what CS said.

    At 1:33pm PT you died in PoG.
    At 1:38 you zoned into PoTranq.
    At 1:44 you got a rez and zoned back into PoG.
    At 5:00 you zoned into Shadowrest.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    /consent player name will tell you if you have a corpse some where

    Did you lose exp? Occasionally you can die and not lose exp and therefore don't have a corpse. It is a very rare bug.
  4. theonepercent Augur

    There's also the "bug" where you can take a rez but fail to zone for whatever reason. You still get the exp back but stay in whatever zone you were in. Could have happened if you were in a PoG DZ and left before taking the rez.