Enchanter and Druid Guides

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rexa, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    Hello Everyone,

    I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving (if in the US). I haven't been posting a lot here since I'm in a million different directions (ie: work, family, holidays, etc). However, I would like you all to know that I launched a website and maintain an active EverQuest section there for current Druid and Enchanter Guides so far:

    My personal druid guides are all here: https://rexaraven.com/everquest/druid/
    My personal enchanter guides are all here: https://rexaraven.com/everquest/enchanter/

    I get many in-game mails and forum messages asking me how I do things on both my Enchanter and Druid. After spending a lot of time one-on-one with folks, it prompted me to make a site and include guides. I am open to any criticism on there. I am sure I glossed over some specific strat, but there doesn't seem to be any good direct websites for such comprehensive guides. I hope you enjoy what I have available there - including current, ToL-ready GINA triggers.

    I will re-update the guides again about midway through December once I see how ToL pans out.

    Please also note the following Discord Servers are available for anyone seeking help on either of these classes:

    Enchanter EQ Discord (lead by me): https://discord.com/invite/fUBAhmvgbg

    Druid EQ Discord (lead by Kuvani): https://discord.com/invite/bWdrGTNxHb

    These links are also available already on my class page links provided as well.


    Wulfhere, Jennre, Kazint and 9 others like this.
  2. Verily Tjark Augur

    Thank you for posting Rexa. That's a lot of detailed info and very well organized!

    I click a few things in different orders. I may hop on discord some time to discuss.
    Rexa likes this.
  3. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I appreciate your efforts to help our class. I believe there is a lot missing from your guide. Don't take that in a negative way. No offense intended. You have included a lot of great information. I will try to write up some contributions when I have a bit more time later.

    I'm curious as to why you are saying that using Pulmonary Grip twice instead of mindslash does not fulminate alliance. I have never notice that pulmonary grip does not contribute to alliance count.
  4. Sancus Augur

    [61581/6876] Chromatic Coalition Rk. III
    Classes: ENC/113
    Skill: Alteration
    Mana: 21190
    Target: Single
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Lowest -10
    Reflectable: No
    Stacking: Chromatic Alliance 9
    Focusable: Yes
    Casting: 3s, Recast: 60s, Timer: 14, Rest: 1.5s
    Duration: 18s+ (3 ticks) Song, Dispelable: Yes
    Max Hits: 6 Matching Spells
    1: Increase Spell Damage Taken by 71855 (v484, After Crit)
    2: Limit Target: Single
    3: Limit Effect: Current HP
    4: Limit Type: Detrimental
    5: Limit Min Level: 106
    6: Limit Max Level: 120 (lose 100% per level)
    7: Limit Max Duration: 0s -> This excludes Pulmonary Grip, as it has a duration of 8 ticks.
    8: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
    9: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -3050
    10: Limit Caster Class: ENC
    11: Limit Caster: Exclude Self
    12: Cast: Chromatic Resolution III Caza if Max Hits Used
    Text: You become the target of a chromatic alliance.
    Shindius, RPoo, Rexa and 1 other person like this.
  5. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Pulmonary Grip has a chromatic DD component.

    Let's you get more Gift of Mana and Haze procs. Better to roll with the 115 and 110 Mind spells and Pulmonary Grip as the 3rd DD.
  6. Sancus Augur

    Focus limits are checked against whole spells, not SPA slots, meaning a spell either passes or fails in its entirety. In this case, Pulmonary Grip does have an SPA 79 component, which does a single DD hit regardless of duration. Nonetheless, the spell still has a duration of 8 ticks. The limits in slots 3 and 9 require an SPA 0 effect, which Pulmonary Grip does pass because of the DoT component, but if limits were checked per slot, the DD portion would fail that check.

    I'm not sure what this refers to. Gift of Mana, Gracious Gift of Mana, and Gift of Hazy Thoughts all proc off of both DDs and DoTs.
    RPoo, Rexa, Scornfire and 2 others like this.
  7. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    It's in the guide anyways, but some people roll with the 3 Mind DD's instead of the Pulmonary line. So, they proc 105 gits instead of 115.
  8. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Thank you for that information. I did not realize the DoT portion negates the DD portion. I wonder if that is by design, an oversight, or a limitation of the game engine.

    I did just betabuff 2 ENC and am unable to fulminate.

    I can verify that the ENC casting alliance doesn't count, so if you cast alliance, you can grip to your hearts content. It only matters what the other 2 ENC are casting.
    Sancus, Verily Tjark and Skrab like this.
  9. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Since were on the topic, this does not apply to Chromatic Haze, correct? IOG/Haze will still proc second hardest off of Grip or is Slash going to be our second biggest haze nuke. I thought that Drift/Grip was our biggest hit off haze, but since I have your attention on the subject, seems like a good time to verify.

    Edit: NVM, this is in the aDPS...

    "Enchanters can then cast Pulmonary Grip after CH, which is the best use of CH for them."

    And apparently I have been accidentally selfish doing haze drift grip and need to be doing drift, haze grip...

    And Question on this...

    "As a final note on burn abilities, Enchanters should utilize their Forceful Rejuvenation ability to refresh and reuse Composite Reinforcement."

    Is that more DPS than using it for alliance? I assume this is written for when there is less than 3 ENC. I would have figured that an extra alliance cast would be more total DPS than an extra dissident cast, though it would work for both, of course.
  10. Sancus Augur

    Pulmonary Grip is going to produce your largest Haze hit, and the reason both the DD and DoT components work with Chromatic Haze is the same conceptual reason that Grip does not work with Coalition.

    For the sake of a complete explanation, Chromatic Haze has two foci on it. The first excludes spells with a duration (which Grip fails); the second allows for spells with SPA 79 (the DD component of Grip). It works like this:

    [38188/38418] Chromatic Haze IX
    Classes: ENC/254
    Skill: Melee
    Target: Target Group, MGB: No
    Range: 200', AE Range: 200'
    Resist: Beneficial, Blockable: Yes
    Focusable: No
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 12s (2 ticks) Song, Dispelable: No
    Max Hits: 2 Matching Spells
    1: Increase Spell Damage by 385% (v302, Before Crit) -> This is the first focus.
    2: Limit Type: Detrimental -> Grip passes this
    3: Limit Max Duration: 0s -> Grip fails this, and therefore cannot be focused by this focus.
    4: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10
    5: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 100% per level)
    6: Limit Effect: Current HP less than -100
    10: Increase Chance to Critical Nuke by 100% -> This SPA is not a focus; any DD will crit while Chromatic Haze is on regardless of whether or not it meets focus requirements.
    11: Increase Spell Damage by 385% (v302, Before Crit) -> This is the second focus.
    12: Limit Type: Detrimental -> Grip passes this
    13: Limit Effect: Current HP Non Repeating less than -100 -> This requires an SPA 79 effect on the spell, which the DD portion of Grip uses
    14: Limit Min Mana Cost: 10 -> Grip passes this
    15: Limit Max Level: 115 (lose 100% per level) -> Grip passes this
    Text: You feel strengthened by magic.

    Because Grip has a slot with SPA 79, the entire spell passes the focus. That means the SPA 0 portion (the DoT) can also be focused by Chromatic Haze, despite the focus that Grip is using being limited to SPA 79.

    While Grip has a lower base damage than Mindrift, in yet another example of foci only passing or failing the entire spell, the DD portion of Grip is focused by Enhanced Torment, despite that AA line being intended to approximate the damage added by DoT extension. Because of this, Grip has a 50% SPA 461 focus. It's additionally worth noting that a DD twincast will use both charges of activated Haze, while a DoT tick twincast will use one charge for both "parts" of the Twincast.
    RPoo, Vumad, Skrab and 2 others like this.
  11. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Well, I am not quite at the DPS/aDPS plateau I though I was. I have learned a today...

    I have a Gina for Alliances (casts and fulmination)... make sure I'm not counting Grip as 1 of my 3 expected casts when alliance is casted by another ENC.

    Drift before haze, not after.

    Dissident on the tank countdown.

    Stop using Spire and insanity together.

    Come up with an entirely new considerations as to when to use spire, instead of just when IoG fades.

    Move mage pets lower down my NET list (Wizards, mages, pets, hybrids, pets), I believe this is correct
    Kazint, RPoo, Rexa and 1 other person like this.
  12. RPoo Augur

    I'd take pets out completely as they can't crit net, but melee and tanks appreciate the DPS and heals
    Szilent and Rexa like this.
  13. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    My absolute pleasure! It's a lot of combined things I've learned from other wonderful players. Many of those "others" are in the discord, too, and I'm sure they can chime in on a lot of this stuff :D

    I cry on my Druid over this often when I raid on her in open raids sometimes :D I'm like "oh damn... not another GoM I can't use" LOL. However, if they use the current expansion nukes like polychromatic, then it should be a non-issue. I've been re-examining my nukes though.

    Referring to the the part I said about NETing your own pet? Figured hey - it's still some DPS of some wacky sort regardless. But you are correct. I will revisit that area. Thanks for the input. I also do it so I can "see" my pet too though as I don't play with people all invisible or whatever that setting is.

    There are different opinions on this, and it also depends on what your group is doing/activating as well with it or not. My GINA trigger still will say "Spire after IoG" - that doesn't mean I will do it right then and there, but It makes me "aware" of when I may do it especially in the case of after bard staggering FE fades. But you might not always have a bard in group (or what if it they are not staggering it). You can't control those things, you know.

    If in doubt, I'd rather use it more often than not - it's also extra mana regen, too. You should consult with your group as well and make them think and examine their own abilities that maybe they want to try and use (or don't use) with it.

    It's not your job to think for other classes - but it's a good idea to make them start thinking about their own stuff in relation to you and speak up if they have a preference for your spire. Then you can make your own educated decision on it.
  14. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Generally on spire, my use is 100% on refresh. I IoG on open, and if I know I only get 2, I IOG again on the second burn. Spire however, I always keep on refresh. Once I click it, it is every 7.5 minutes unless we are in downtime (like the move on Avatar of War). However, I realize now that there are probably times that it is completely wasted due to exceeding the cap. I am usually in an aDPS optimized group, bard, ENC, Dru, Mag/Wiz x2. I am going to consider how these all work together. In the end, I may end up on 100% refresh time just like I am now, clicking it every 7.5 minutes, but I now understand why I may want to wait an extra 30-120 seconds before using this ability.
    Rexa likes this.
  15. Verily Tjark Augur

    One of the big differences between the top end raid guilds and guilds around our level (finishing expacs in the 11-15 rankings) is often DPS, sustained and burn. Guides like this are great for people to read and learn and get better at understanding their own class. I've never been good at knowing the why and how at the micro nuance level, and I always learn stuff from people who do.

    Also one of the big challenges is getting the not so hard-core players interested enough to care more about what to cast when to maximize their class.
    Rexa likes this.
  16. Sprooce Lorekeeper

    Thanks Rexa, I think your druid guide is really helpful and I appreciate the GINA triggers too.
    Rexa likes this.
  17. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Last night, I created a lot of Gina triggers. I blame Rexa and Sancus, *Shakes fist*. Now anytime IoG, Spire of Enchantment, Calculate Insanity, Bard Epic, Fierce eye, ranger auspice or Great wolf land on me, I get a Gina countdown for their duration that displays DD%/DoT%. This is a lot when the event starts, but I can assure you that my Calculated Insanity was fully optimized last night. That's a big step from clicking Insanity with Spire with no consideration for the other buffs which may have been running.

    DoT doesn't matter for me but I set it up so I can pass it to other casters.
  18. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I had time to watch the video. Going to be stealing that burn hotbar. That's some solid stuff. I also realized that your guide is highly focused on raids. The thoughts I had may not fit well into your guide. I definitely got some news idea from all of that. Thanks much.
  19. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    There isn't much difference. If you look at the DPS guide, and you're doing missions it's the same concept.

    If I do a lazy long exp grind in a static zone and don't want to run out of mana, I'll be using my sustained DPS rotation set and burn every time my stuff is up. There really is nothing different there and you should always cast spire on cooldown for extra mana, too. Since everything in EQ is also mission-oriented nowadays, you're unleashing burns the same way with casters in your group. Only difference is that you might not have all the other things like auspice and druid group wolf all at the same time. And you won't be running an alliance.

    Burning is not some separate thing that is only for raids, and I want that to be an important takeaway here. I unfortunately find that many casual enchanters do not know how to burn until they start raiding and get yelled at for things. Then once they figure it out during raids, they apply the same strats then in groups. So it's working backwards sort of. Best to know how to do it at the start properly and it starts with exp groups!
    RPoo likes this.
  20. Szilent Augur

    It doesn't appear to me to be "highly focused". Good play is good play, regardless of setting. "How to Cast Good Spells" and "how to Don't Cast Bad Spells" isn't a raiding thing versus a grouping thing. "To be a good enchanter, use the good enchanter buttons" isn't raid advice, it's just enchanter advice.

    edit: bahh, sniped by rexa. I gotta type faster
    zleski, RPoo and Rexa like this.