Please fix Cloudy Potions

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Bobokin, Nov 5, 2021.

  1. Duder Augur

    Sure they do, but you are claiming there is a bug or that the item is broke when you are actually asking for an item to be changed to fit your liking.

    Invisibility spells have always had a high potential duration. Are you saying all the non-fixed duration invisibility spells are also bugged?

    The duration of these potions is sufficiently long. On average, I run across numerous zones and arrive at my destination without a single fade. Very rarely it fades quickly.

    I manually truebox on a TLP server as well as manually box on live. On TLP I have no group inviser and rely soley on Cloudy Potions and they work great. On live I only have group invis via my shaman if I bring my shaman, but I still carry Cloudy Potions on my monk and use them religiously. They're nice and cheap so when my audio trigger tells me my invis is fading, I just click another instant potion without a second thought about doing it. Heck, even on TLP 10 plat is less valuable than a death so I just click em there without a second thought too!

    Everquest is old and doesn't work very well. Cloudy potions are old but on the other hand do work very well.
    Wdor, Benito, Randel Flag and 2 others like this.
  2. Mukkul Augur

    Complaining about the stack size being "only" 20. Originally Cloudy Potions didn't stack at all. Give em an inch, they want a mile.

    Improving the resilience might be a good idea. But the random duration is very much intentional. The only way you might ever get perma-invis is via a trade-skill potion or something. Not by changing Cloudy Potions.

    I wish they would do something similar with AA gate, which fails too often. No added ranks to make it fail less frequently?
  3. Randel Flag Elder

    playing the game is toooo haaaard, someone please make this so easy my 2 year old great niece can play a toon along side me please!
    Qelil and Wdor like this.
  4. minimind The Village Idiot

    This is the most important response. Cloudies aren't broken. They don't need to be fixed. OP just isn't using the correct item.
  5. Zanarnar Augur

    I'll bite. Without invisibility being random duration, the Improved Invisibility lines wouldn't need to exist. So basically, suck it up buttercup. That's how these work, make an audio trigger and get use to listening for it when your invising past stuff. Be happy they don't have a 2-3sec (or 10sec) cast time.
    Wdor, minimind, Duder and 2 others like this.
  6. Quik Augur

    So cloudy pots give you the advantage of instant invis, if you start to appear you just click another. I think I have had to do that twice after using hundreds and hundreds of these.

    There is nothing wrong with cloudy pots and they work perfect.
    Wdor, Dre., Act of Valor and 3 others like this.
  7. Tual Augur

    It's just like gate pots, I made a bad batch once and about half of em collapsed, RNG is a fickle bits.
    Duder and Wdor like this.
  8. Fell Augur

    My two-year old niece already plays a bard. The only part of the game she can't handle are the political discussions in general chat.
    Duder likes this.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Well, at two she is probably too advanced for the usual level of political discourse in-game anyway.
    Smokezz, Elyssanda, Qelil and 2 others like this.
  10. Qelil Augur

    Naw! I always loved the excitement of running through MPG on my way to RSS checking for see invis mobs all the way and never knowing when invis could drop and being a cleric, I would quickly be eaten alive, the flesh ripped from my bones dying horribly. Having to pay attention to invis dropping too just heightens the tension and adds to the experience. Audio triggers are for raids so an entire guild won't hate me for being this kind of idiot at their expense.
  11. Bigstomp Augur

    There is a fixed duration version that is tradeskilled.
    Believe it requires shisshar blood.

    Probably easy to farm nowadays but far more time consuming than visiting a vendor and having an audio trigger.
  12. Bigstomp Augur

    I seem to either show up to the raid npc, then get confused 15 minutes later when my wearing off trigger sounds and I'm amazed it lasted that long, or, I go through 3 of them in 15 seconds.
    Bobokin, Duder and Elyssanda like this.
  13. Bobokin Augur

    And when you exhausted the 20 stack of them because many of them lasted less than 20 seconds, what good will that audio trigger be?

    In the old days, you could run to zone - especially with SOW or being a bard. Today, a missed fail is almost certain death. Yeah, a raid geared character has other options, as do boxers who usually have a invis perm class available, but that is just a part of the player base.

    Perhaps we should go back to having them 10 stack or not stack at all - as they were originally intended. Or maybe we could add the "Any further potion consumption would be toxic to your system" use restriction back to potions like this. Yes?

    Asking to have an item updated to reflect the current game situation is not a big ask. Players ask for changes in Everquest. You may not like it, but perhaps you will get over it.
  14. Bobokin Augur

    You forgot to write that with crayons as usual. Did your mommy take them away because you wrote on the walls, or do you actually believe facetious ad hominem attacks add to the conversation?
  15. Toruch Fleshrot Augur

    Bobokin likes this.
  16. Duder Augur

    I didn't exhaust the 20 stack in 20 seconds. Didn't you read any of this? Get over it, play better. Cloudy potions are the same as they have always been and the usefulness the same. They are instant and they last as long as designed, with a potential varied by the RNG, like every early invis spell also functions. Stop your Violet "I want it now" kicking and screaming.
  17. Bobokin Augur

    Did I say these were bugged? Not once.

    I am saying the game has changed sufficiently to make them broken in the current situation. You may agree or disagree, and that is fine, but please don't respond to a straw man of being "bugged."

    That is anecdotal evidence. It is well known that Cloudy Potions often do not last even close to their given time limit.

    Here are a couple quotes from other Everquest forums:

  18. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Cloudy potions wearing off are one of the main reasons I made a pocket Ranger. ;)
    Bobokin likes this.
  19. Bobokin Augur

    So saying, "Please Fix Cloudy Potions," is now kicking and screaming? Read the thread, the only people who are kicking and screaming are people who are against change. There is no rational argument to not review how these potions work, as has been done in the past without conflict.
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Fixing them would suggest that they are broken/bugged when the random duration is an intentional design decision. The fact that you don't agree with that decision doesn't mean that they are broken/bugged. Making a request to ask for a design change on invis is different then claiming something is broken/bugged. If a change was made it would invalidate later spells and AA that where designed to have a fixed duration.
    Duder likes this.