Help with Chords of Dissonance

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Whiteice217, Oct 6, 2021.

  1. Whiteice217 New Member

    Hi there,

    I'm finally putting in the time to learn how to play Everquest and experience all of grandeur it has to offer. I have chosen a Bard as my main and I have a question. I've realized that chords of dissonance is an aoe spell but I'm not sure how to tell if its active or not. I've noticed that when I use chant of battle I get an icon on i'm guessing my song window. But when I use chords of dissonance it's not there. However I walk by mobs and npcs and they get hurt. Other than reading combat logs and seeing screen effects how do I determine if it is active. I'm also playing on Aradune if that matters.

  2. Randomized Augur

    If you use /melody, you’ll have to remember.
    /melody # # # # # (# indicates spell gem slot) allows you to play songs back to back. And most of them have a duration so without AAs, I think you can get 5. The 1st one will drop off just before restarting with 5 without AAs

    If you don’t use /melody and just play one song, it’ll constantly replay itself. So if you’re using one song, it’ll constantly be casting (every 6 seconds or so) for dissonance. A quick way to tell if you’re still playing the song (and no icon to show up in songs window) is if your spell bar is grayed out.
  3. Szilent Augur

    a whole lot of bards keep a social button handy with the command /stopsong on it, to clear things up after combat. In game, type (or copy & paste from here into game)

    /hotb Quiet /stopsong
    that'll make a button for you to put on your hotbar
  4. Gialana Augur

    Randomized mentioned a way to tell if you're playing/singing the song, which may be the answer to your question. If you're wondering if you've hit an npc with the song, you can target that npc. If they are currently under the effect of Chords of Dissonance, there will be a flashing spell icon in the npc's buff box. If you hover the cursor over it, the name of the debuff will appear, telling you whether or not it's Chords of Dissonance.

    Note that if the npc is moving when the server ticks, which happens every 6 seconds, then they will not take damage from Chords of Dissonance, even though their buff box will still show that they have the DoT.

    Also, this may not be a big deal, but bards are considered hybrids, not melee. The hybrid class section is where a post like this would usually be found. Also, you can look to the hybrid section to find out more information about bards, though much of it probably won't be applicable to you yet.

    Good luck, and have fun in EQ!
    Elyssanda likes this.
  5. Grem New Member

    I knew when it was playing, when the guards at the entrance to Qeynos put me 6 foot under.

    Not sure what level you are, but like a few said if your spell bar is grayed out then a song is running. Depnding on what level you are (I'm guessing below 10?) most songs give some text going in the chat window, but this one won't give any text until hit hits a MoB or NPC.
  6. Whiteice217 New Member

    When I got curb stomped by the guards I knew I was missing something.