Please address autofollow.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Thash, Jul 10, 2021.

  1. Thash Zoner

    Minor latency spikes, beyond the player's control, kill groups. Players boxing legitimately that don't wish to endanger their accounts using banned software are at the mercy of an inadequate utility that hasn't been updated in 21 years, as far as I know.

    Please also include z-axis functionality.

    We shouldn't have to download can-of-worms hack packs or be left behind for trying to be scrupulous human beings. Thanks!
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I know its not overly clear but this is the forum for Players to help players with problems. Probably not the best forum for feedback to Daybreak.
  3. Thash Zoner

    Ok, no problem. I don't usually seek support of any type so no research was done on what channels, if any, are appropriate. I'll assume that after 21 years, it's just screaming into a void anyway. Thanks for letting me know.
  4. Velisaris_MS Augur

    It's very clear that the devs have zero desire to address the issues with autofollow. And, in all honesty, it's only a minor annoyance and doesn't really deserve to have dev time pulled off other things to work on it.

    My advice...if you're in a zone with problematic terrain, or an indoor zone with lots of turns and ups/downs, just move you chracters one at a time. I know it will take more time than using autofollow, but it's gonna take less time than rezzing and recovery of toons that get stuck/wander off and end up dead. We all wish it worked better, but this is just one of those things players need to accept and just not worry about it.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  5. Thash Zoner

    It certainly does describe the situation. It's known that it can be solved with existing software. That's why acceptance was never an option.
  6. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Agroed mob will always get to me, up ramps, up stairs, through mazes of hallways and will warp through locked doors, but...... my merc or autofollow boxes> They're still running back and forth in a hallway in GE and I haven't been there in over a year.
    Accipiter, Warpeace and Dyna like this.
  7. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    and this- It's a convenience issue and has <always> come with a hazardous duty warning. I can tow alts around the bridges in Paw / Deep etc fine, just be careful. I personally don't see it as a self justification to use software, like OMGzorz, I can't take turns a bit wider on corners, therefor I must install hax!

    Call of the hero FTW
  8. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    I was told that ALT +O .. Display, Advanced, "Max Background FPS " - unlimited.. helps with box autofollow.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  9. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    also, if a group uses Circle: Primary Anchor or any group port, it still doesn't toggle back to run. There needs to be a way to have a permanent character default back to run. Use AI walk to keep autofollow toons from running across zones, but it should ALWAYS go back to the user setting when it's not in use anymore.
  10. Elskidor Augur

    My silly Shaman routinely trains my group or kills herself. Gotta love autofollow.