Bazaar Search Filter Request - Hide Items Possessed

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Deux, May 28, 2021.

  1. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Please consider an additional filter for bazaar search of hiding items the searcher already possesses including collectibles. Would be very helpful!
    Elyssanda, Stymie and Nennius like this.
  2. Febb Augur

    Or you can not search for something you already own? You can dump your inventory to a text file that you can paste into a spreadsheet for sorting.

    Such a query would be very expensive on the db server that the bazaar uses.
  3. FrozenWater Augur

    Nonsense. Both parts.

    First, did you really think that this person is searching for exactly something they already own? Did no other possible search query come to your mind that might lead to items already owned being listed? Come now, if you're smart enough to read and write then you're smart enough to figure out the fault in your line of thinking here.

    As for the second part: There is no need for this to happen remotely, it can be done locally. So there goes that line of thinking too.

    And finally, welcome to the "I only came to poop on this person's suggestion" club.
    Coagagin, Deux and Bigstomp like this.
  4. Bigstomp Augur

    It is amazing how much people think they know about the underlying logic of the db server and bazaar.

    Heck, it may not even be a db server.

    It could be flat files which are only available to search due to a cache, and the actual records are stored on thumb drives random employee's plug into machines when they feel they should add to the reliability of the bazaar.
  5. Stymie Pendragon

    I like this idea. It's similar to the only show items you can use button on merchants.
  6. Febb Augur

    I see what I wrote went right over your head. They can look at their own inventory and search for things they don't already own like people have been doing since the bazaar was implemented. Have you ever worked with a database before? I'm pretty sure you haven't or else you would see the flaw in having the capability for such a query.

    If you don't like people's criticism of their ideas then I suggest you stay off the internet.
  7. Febb Augur

    Yes this is exactly how games work, plugging thumb drives into computers to add to the reliability of the game.
  8. FrozenWater Augur

    If you worked for me I would fire you.
  9. Coagagin Guild house cat

    Sounds like a good project for a summer intern to work. Provided the query could be filtered at the client level by ignoring Lore and Collectables accredited to the account. Not sure what the client is actually written in per se but we know there is a great deal of C+ and Java these days. Neither should be a technical leap of ingenuity to figure out or if its is tell us so. Interesting idea on the client side filtering. Sounds like the best way to go as we can already dump inventory from the local database.
  10. Nolrog Augur

    Then we can get a new tradeskill added to the game. Exorcist.