Devs: Using our alts as mercenaries

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Deux, Apr 29, 2021.

  1. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Currently the game has mercenaries as a feature...and the mercenaries are based on a database that tracks their AA, gear, etc.

    Would it be possible in the EQ platform to allow players to use their alt accounts as their merc instead of the current NPC mercs available?

    -Only gold status players can use an alt as a merc
    -The alt must be a gold status account also
    -The player would need to "setup" their alt to be used as a merc through their account page
    -Perhaps charge an additional fee for this "enhanced account"?
    -If we can do it for one would it be game breaking to offer more than one "alt merc" at a time? that is, if we have 5 alts that are gold accounts, would it be nuts to allow all 5 to be used as mercs simultaneously assuming they are gold status and perhaps we pay extra for each?
    -When an alt account is being used as a merc the account would be considered online and trying to manually log in to it would cause the merc to logout from the EQ world

    -Instead of the basic merc commands is it feasible to develop an in-client capability to control the "alt mercs" from the player's UI? A character screen hotkey that would let us cycle between the characters to create our own disc/spell lineups etc?
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Biltene Kingslayer

    You want the devs to automate your boxes now?
    libre, Skuz, Nolrog and 7 others like this.
  3. Mossaa Augur

    It is 1.may this saturday. Not 1.april. So wait 11 months before you come with more jokes like this.
    Skuz, Elyssanda, Nennius and 2 others like this.
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This is basically sanctioned automated play. I could see a server dedicated to this. But not for live or TLP rulesets.
  5. Alnitak Augur

    Yes, and No.
    I want to use my off-line WAR instead of a pathetic tank mercenary.
    Why not let toons go into mercenary pool with a command like /mercenary similarly to /trader (of course, Gold Accounts only, gotta be paid service)?
    And either anybody or members of the fellowship can hire that toon as a merc for Bayle Marks only (here is a new revenue stream for DPG). And the mercenary toon can earn 1 dbc per 15 mins (that is 20% of 5 dpc price of 1 Mark), while DPG collects 4 dbc every 15 mins ? (that's about 64 cents per hour of nominal dbc price)
    At first pass, only allow WAR, WIZ, CLR and ROG to become mercenaries, because merc AI already exists for those classes, meanwhile either allow other classes to act as those 4 or develop more merc AI for other classes.
    Once the player logs the toon back in, the merc toon will act like being "dismissed".
    This way not much coding needs to be done: merc AI is already in place, currency is already on the market, toon models are already in the database. Just a bit of fight coding needs to be adjusted for the mercs (toon's gear and stats are different from merc gear and fight calculations may be different)

    If this model takes off, then it will be another way for game features development, new combat mechanics, more interest and revenue.
    And I can finally hire a decent tank mercenary for HA missions!
  6. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Elyssanda likes this.
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I would prefer a new server:

    Third-Party Software: ALLOWED

    Then tighten up the third-party detection on all other servers. All the automated botters can go play on their own server.
    Flatchy, Fanra, Jumbur and 1 other person like this.
  8. KarmaKitty Augur

    It would be nice if some features were more easy to use across alts on the same account.
    Allow the online player to accept/reject for offline players on the same account on fellowships,
    guild invites. Would be nice, but probably too much work.
  9. FrozenWater Augur

    This has already been implemented as a third party plugin.
  10. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    They could that server "the prison server", and move all the cheaters there....;)
    Skuz, Captain Video, Evye and 3 others like this.
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

    The idea is not without merit. It's a way of boxing without having to mash a key for every action. Yes, it's M Q Lite but it (in theory) would be legal on TrueBox servers.

    However, I think it's probably way too much work for the team to consider it.
  12. Cicelee Augur

    I mean.........

    Skuz and Elyssanda like this.
  13. Fenthen aka Rath

    Well, it's either devs or the guys over @ RG.
  14. Elyssanda Bardbrain

  15. Warpeace Augur

    So a new 3rd party software coming soon? Guess as long as players pass the AFK check.
  16. Evye Augur

    In other games if most x amount of players vote to kick a player the player gets booted.
    EQ could have a similar mechanic could be a fun way to police box groups.
    Just thinking out loud =)
  17. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Exactly...if they're not going to stop the third party software usage which violates their own TOS and is pretty unfair to the customers who actually play by the rules, why not adopt popular features into the game and possibly monetize it?

    Someone posted the actual subscription numbers from another thread so below are SWAG figures from my (old) memory of those figures to show a business case for something like this.

    DP Investment Cost $300K/annual
    -Hire, say, 2 software engineers (assuming they need to hire resources) to build the backend necessary to link an alt account to another account with whatever coding / client mods are necessary. Guessing $100k salary per + 50% overhead cost to employ so around $300K to the budget for wages & overhead.
    Additional Gold account revenue $1.2M/annual
    -10,000 new monthly subs sold as accounts people want to use as their mercs (gold required)
    $100K/month or $1.2M/annual revenue (assuming 5,000 players will have (2) alt accts...tank/healer or dps) to use situationally
    Upgrade to "enhanced account" $900K/annual
    -15,000 accounts upgraded to enhanced (ability to link to a second account that acts as a merc)
    DP charges $5/month per account (main & alt) to upgrade a gold account to enhanced to utilize this near feature
    $75,000/month or $900,000/annual revenue

    To me this is a no-brainer. Boxing is a encultured in EQ why not monetize it and offer a better mousetrap for those who want to box and who want to abide by the TOS? Based on this conservative forecast DP could add $1.8 million to their net annual profit at an investment cost of perhaps $300K annually (or less!)
  18. strongbus Augur

    shot the 3rd party software is already out there. just take it and add it into the current game and add in the required commands to use it.
  19. Biltene Kingslayer

    Bravo! Slow clap. Seriously, this may be the first time a post has come with the message: "Allow me to cheat, it's just this easy...AND it will increase MILLIONS!"

    Why stop at 1.8? Couldn't it be 3.6? All they have to do is just double your estimates, which my estimation...just as easy!

    Huzzah! Might as well say the increased profits will lead to new epic quests since they'll have the money to hire new devs to do it.
    Tour likes this.
  20. Accipiter Old Timer

    So mercenaries are cheating then? OP is asking for a mechanic in the game that automates some of your characters. If his wish is granted (and it won't be) then it wouldn't be cheating, would it?