Plane of Mischief 1.0 - April 1

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by ZenMaster, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    I take a yearly pilgrimage to Plane of Mischief in the hopes of finding the old version.

    Alas, it seems to be the newer version again this year.

    Is PoM the same on your server?
    Fuelforfire likes this.
  2. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    seems to be new for us also on luclin. tab was really hoping for cards this year.
    Deux and ZenMaster like this.
  3. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Assuming they still have the old zone code somewhere it would be pretty cool if they offered a limited time instance of POM 1.0
  4. Dances Journeyman

    I was there last night and this morning hoping for the same thing. If anyone needs Squire cards from another server hit me up on Bert I have enough for about 6-8 flowers. Also looking for a Red and Blue throne.