Lute of the Flowing waters removing buffs

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Ethyreal, Jan 22, 2021.

  1. Ethyreal New Member

    The lute of the Flowing waters is currently overriding both Aura of Quellious and Voice of Quellious and cancelling out the buff. If it is intended to be a bard song clickie it should not be doing this. Please fix to give bards this clickie back. it has made it useless.
    Barton and curio like this.
  2. curio New Member

    Yes. This is a major issue. Bard Lute of Flowing Waters click should be a song effect, and not interfere as in override or erase actual spell buff effects. I can confirm the AoQ and VoQ are being overridden and disappear from your buffs once you click the lute.