Restless Vaniki in new Dragon Necropolis (COV)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Toukan, Dec 18, 2020.

  1. Toukan Augur

    EQResources has Zlandicar room as a potential spawn point. Wandering rat as his PH.

    I cleared to the room for a partisan task and figured wise to stay til I got Vaniki. But it's been a considerable (over 15) number of hours with no joy. Can anyone confirm they've seen him in here? Thanks.
  2. Nniki Augur

    I can't answer your question, as I fortunately haven't had to camp for him, but I can confirm he can spawn by the water edge.

    code-zero likes this.
  3. Nightops Augur

    yes, can confirm, was a roaming version I saw in Zlandi's room on the day after release. He was roaming between the 2 landings of the ramps and the center puddle area. I wasn't successful in killing it because of horrible pathing / agro issues on the ramp and didn't want to run back for a second try.
  4. Toukan Augur

    Thanks ! So both Eqresource locs confirmed.
    Riou likes this.
  5. Maui New Member

    I can confirm waters edge. I finished hunter in DoN all the wandering are PH's
  6. Astral64 Augur

    A few of the rats with wandering in their name are his PHs. All very close to his spawn points in the old DN which are spread out in the rat caves.

    Each PH has a very low chance to spawn him so unless you're hitting multiples it can take some time.