Fixed Internally Add Most Recent to Top option will not stay checked.

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Xianzu_Monk_Tunare, Jan 17, 2020.

  1. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    In the option window there is an option "Add Most Recent to Top" which makes it such that new Quests, Tasks, Shared Tasks, and Missions are added to the top of the Quest Overlay window rather than to the bottom of the Task Overlay window.

    The problem is that this option does not persist. It will work during the session that it is checked, but as soon as you camp or log out the check is forgotten, and the next time you log in you have to reclick the option to make them go to the top again.

    I am fairly sure that this has been the case for about as long as this option has existed. There was a issue regarding this in the old issue tracker, but I don't see that anyone has recreated it here.
    Grabatz, Wulfhere, niente and 2 others like this.
  2. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    This is still an issue more than 10 months later. Is it that hard to get this option to remain active when you camp and log out completely?
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    Usually the cause is write access on the ini where it has gone read only.

    Another reason is you box (or play multiple characters) off one installation folder, this is a global setting in eqclient.ini, whatever the setting is on the last character to log out will save and be the setting when you log back in.
  4. Riou EQResource

    Would be nice, always annoying when doing quests and have to recheck it every time log in :/
  5. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    This issue has nothing to do with write access or with boxing. It happens for everyone, only with this specific option (all other Options are remembered when camping), and happens regardless of if you box or only have a single character. Further, you can log in with multiple boxes and each will have to change the option, and none of them are remembered.
  6. Rondor Augur

    Some of the other Quest Overlay controls have a similar issue. The "Auto Add to Task Overlay" toggle option on the General tab also never gets saved. Other options get saved, just not that one. Every single time I login on any account I must re-disable this Auto Add to Task Overlay button and it sticks only until I logout.
  7. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I have never had that option do anything. It is unchecked in options. I tried checking it but don't see that it does anything at all.

    Which makes me wonder if it really works for anyone else? Or is it just something to make you think it does something?

    When I get, lets say the 2 daily HA from Teek they both go to the top already so long as they have the little boxes to the left of the task title checked. In fact, any task with a little box checked goes to the top.

    Any task without the little box checked stays in the bottom which is listed alphabetically and clicking the word "task title" will toggle ascending or descending order on those.

    If I want one from the bottom to go to the top I simply check the little box and it goes up there and stays up there until I uncheck the little box. Or if I just want one showing at the top then I uncheck the little box on the others and they go to the bottom.

    If the little box is checked when I camp then it will still be in the top when I log back in.

    Default UI.
  8. Soulbanshee Augur

    Do you run multiple characters on the same install, and does the last character you log out of the game have auto add enabled or disabled?

    Edit eqclient.ini in your install folder. Look for "AutoAddToTaskOverlay" or add it under "[Options]" if not present. Set to "AutoAddToTaskOverlay=0" to disable or "AddMostRecentToTop=1" to enable.

    Also under "[Options]" look for or add "AddMostRecentToTop". Set to "AddMostRecentToTop=0" to disable or "AddMostRecentToTop=1" to enable.

    Also make sure that those options do not appear twice within eqclient.ini.
  9. Soulbanshee Augur

    Are you trying to control Task Overlay (the transparent window overlay that shows quick quest progress), or the actual Quest Journal? The actual Quest Journal I think default sort alpha until you click one of the headers to re-sort. The little box to the left of the task title within the Quest Journal will show or hide that task within the Task Overlay, which showing I believe always adds it to the bottom of the Task Overlay. If you disabled the Task Overlay then it won't pop up automatically when you show one of the tasks.
  10. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I am not trying to do anything :D I was commenting on the ability to utilize what OP wants. He wants everything to go to "the top" meaning the Quest Overlay window from what he is saying. If he clicks those boxes they will go to the top and stay there. He does not need to mess with an option that is not working.

    Am happy with how my overlay and journal work.
  11. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    This does nothing, I had done that with regard to the AddMostRecentToTop=1 thing back when the option first was added and would not stick through the game being closed out. It is there, but does nothing. In contrast, the AutoAddToTaskOverlay option is not listed in eqclient.ini, but it remains checked for me regardless.
    Rondor likes this.
  12. Rondor Augur

    Indeed multiple simultaneous clients run from the same install directory. The last client that logs out has auto add disabled. While no clients are running I confirm in my eqclient.ini that the option "AutoAddToTaskOverlay" option is set to 0 . But after I launch a client, the Auto Add option is enabled inside the client Options window, while at the same time the eqclient.ini still shows 0 though the client may not have written its eqclient.ini updates to disk yet at that point.

    While all clients are logged out, in eqclient.ini the "AutoAddToOverlay=0" is within the [Options] section of the file, below many other various option lines. It only appears once.

    ...many other lines not within [brackets] ...
    ... more lines without [brackets] ...
  13. niente Developer

    Good catch, the bug is that AutoAddToTaskOverlay, ShowOnlyOpenSteps, and AddMostRecentToTop write to eqclient.ini [Options] but are read in from eqclient.ini [Defaults]. If you move them there for now it will work. But we should fix it so it reads from the [Options] section at some point.
  14. Grabatz Lorekeeper

    Maybe a similar problem leads to the following bug?
    Rondor likes this.
  15. Moege Augur

    Some point should be next patch....
  16. Febb Augur

    They prioritize fixing bugs based on the amount of work that is needed to fix the problem. They are probably stacked full of expansion related issues right now and will get to it when those priorities are taken care of. Lets be glad she gave us a workaround for now.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.