Dragon Hoard underwhelming?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sissruukk, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. Tegila Augur

    You have to remove augs to put something in. That's even worse. So packrattong old cultural gear never to be worn again...either have to remove augs to take up 3-4x the space or find other unaugged things to put completely out of sight out of mind
  2. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    EXACTLY! Just harvesting and stockpiling supplies is a subgame in and of itself. I would be quite happy to go to a lowbie empty zone to stock pile various tradeskill supplies just to have a "complete" set in my storage locker and let all my boxes work on their tradeskills through the central storage box.

    Maybe next xpac I guess.
    Zynt likes this.
  3. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    Sunday I went to Q'vic and foraged and killed to restock some supplies...
    Xtor Zadamose and Deux like this.
  4. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    It's a whole subgame...you can even roleplay it. I know the devs understand the "check the box" types who are eq junkies. If they made an EQ2-like central storage box with permissions for multiple toons to access it allowing storage of lots of line items up to 9999? people would stand in line with money in hand to buy it.
    Xtor Zadamose likes this.
  5. OlavSkullcrusher Augur

    I have to add my vote to the completely underwhelmed side. 100 items can be exceeded now with large bags in 3-4 out of 24 bank slots (Extraplanar trade satchels - 32 slots, tradeskill items only, House of Thule+; 36-40 slot bags from achievements, drops, and/or expansion currency vendors Rain of Fear+). 6 bank slots if you limit yourself to 20-slot transcendent bags (Rain of Fear +). That doesn't include the bags that can be bought with DBC or as bonuses for collectors' editions of expansions, and so on. With the ability to store up to 500 items in house vaults, the Dragon's Hoard is totally wimpy. The ability to access it from any bank (with vet reward Summon Banker available every so often, that is a small convenience) is about the only good thing.

    I'm thinking that the EQ1 backroom system just won't allow for the kind of thing that is in EQ2, such as the harvest and collectible depots you can get for guild halls there. And I'm guessing that the character file size issues are still behind the limitations on the number of items.

    That could be a reasonable explanation that I could accept for why we can't have what EQ2 has. That said, though, Dragon's Hoard is such a small improvement over what is already possible in this game, that it was not worth marketing as a big deal for this expansion, and if the prices are what they look like for increasing it, then that is pretty hard to swallow as well. I would have respected them more if they had simply said that they were stuck until they could do something that would be a major overhaul to character files and inventory code and spent the time doing something else more useful instead of Dragon's Hoard.
    Ceiteag, Zynt and Velisaris_MS like this.
  6. Flatchy Court Jester

    Im just gonna toss all my old AC augs I refuse to throw away in it. Its more than I had before I will take it!
    minimind and Tsavo like this.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I can see why some feel that the feature is underwhelming.

    Personally I see it as a "technology test".

    This is just a small-scale roll out for a feature the devs hope to expand on a lot over time should the technology actually achieve what they hope it will.

    What it does is reduce load on the servers & on the client by creating an "as and when needed" system for storage. Imagine the technology applied to a tradeskill item bank - where you can only see those items & they are only loaded in with your character when you open the bank or a tradeskill container.
    The processing the server executes on the items is only done when you open one of those interfaces rather than "always-on" this reduces the demand on server processing and thus provides a much-reduced processer overhead system for storage, eventually perhaps even most storage could be done this way with multiple "hoards" for different classifications of items.

    So while it is small right now, the plan I think is much bigger in the longer term, but first the technology needs a live environment to test its worthiness & to look at what can be improved, before they can even consider rolling out larger or more hoards, the way this technology works it probably suits multiple smaller individual hoards that one giant or multiple large hoards, that way it breaks down the processing to small chunks at a time.

    So I say, give it time.
  8. kimbotta Lorekeeper

    Please do not use the word "technology". We can send a rocket into outer space and land it on a postage stamp in the ocean. We had the technology 15 years ago, they just choose to not spend the money or time to do things the correct way, simple as that.
    Ceiteag likes this.
  9. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Technology is technology even a stone tool from 40,000 years ago is actually a technology.
    minimind likes this.
  10. seber Augur

    it work find me just used keep all my TS tools have 23 house 500 slot any how
  11. kimbotta Lorekeeper

    That is a much better comparison to the technology used in the dragon horde implementation.
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  12. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    "I am attempting to create a mnemonic circuit from the equivalent of stone knives and bears skins."
    OlavSkullcrusher likes this.
  13. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

  14. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Am I an addict if I already have 250 slots in my Hero Forge key ring and then fill Dragon's Hoard with another 100 HF suit pieces? I feel like I might be an addict...

    I shall call my Dragon's Hoard Jhenna's walk-in closet.
    Skuz and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  15. Jhenna_BB Proudly Prestigious Pointed Purveyor of Pincusions

    Would you yourself like to pony up the $millions it will take to upgrade EQ from a 32 bit game? EQ is a for profit business, regardless of ownership. To keep the servers on, they need to make money "simple as that".
    Skuz likes this.
  16. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    a nimbus keyring would be more useful.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  17. OlavSkullcrusher Augur

    In my reply above, I make it clear that I would be fine if they simply said that the major overhauls necessary to increase character storage as much as we would want are out of reach in terms of time (and thus money) investment. But to market the "Dragon's Hoard" as a key desirable feature of the expansion and then have it land with a thud like this is not good business.

    100 items is just not nearly enough of an increase to call it more than small bonus. And the DBC prices for the extra just seem ludicrously high for what you get.
  18. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    You could hand some folks a bar of gold & they would complain because it was too heavy.

    A new feature isn't always going to be a spectacular fanfare-inducing revolution that far exceeds your expectations, sometimes it's a moderate or mediocre or even small change, yet even that small change may herald far greater things later on, I think it happens to be the latter just from my understanding of what this new thing actually does & how it differs to current storage solutions, call me over-optimistic if you want to.
    minimind likes this.
  19. Tegila Augur

    Honestly, the whole "32 bot" limitation being a reason to not allow augged items is bs. They don't need to store all the information about the items in the hoard, just needs to be a database of item numbers. Put a warning: once depostited in dargon hoard you will not be able to inspect the stats or view the graphic of the items until withdrawal. Just a database of numbers. This item is holding these three items. Done. Next item. In the list it would give the names because the item number would retrieve the item name. It could even display the item stats, but unaugged(like Lucy) then the augs would be subitems. Y'all forget that that is how most of this data is handled. They don't store all the information about everything everywhere it exists, they redirect to a database that holds that information. It doesn't take 32 bits to say item 123456 holding items 234567, 345678, and 456789 is in this dragon hoard slot. Unlike diablo3 for example where every item is just a little different from the next- they have set statistics that only vary(except in the case of *luck* which could be blocked from deposit easy enough(and too new to likely be deposited anyway) which could also be handled as an invisible Aug, idk) by a player flag, thus the modified and unmodified versions- level, progression in tradeskills or a given questarc. This is the equivalent of a logbook in a drawer of your baseball cards, not the baseball cards themselves. Or, a photo albums, not the items depicted in each photo.
  20. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Or a port clicky keyring...that would be cool.

    Those types of features are things that players have actually asked for...a lot. And make sense.

    I don't recall anyone asking for a 100-slot special bank space that can only be accessed at a banker, isn't searchable unless you're AT a banker, isn't shared across all toons on that account, upgradable ONLY via cash, and can't hold items with augs.

    But maybe I missed it.
    Elyssanda likes this.