What would be a good name for a new: TLP RED (PVP) ???

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Corydon Coles, Nov 24, 2020.

  1. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    There have already been Red Guilds on TLP servers.
    There have already been private EQ PvP servers that had a higher population then Selo and Rizlona have.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  2. KrakenReality Augur

    Sure...that's why P99 is making more Red Servers....
    Jbur and Skuz like this.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure there have been red guilds on tlp servers but there hasn't been enough players that have shown a desire to play to make a fully pvp server at least in Daybreaks eye.

    Also private servers don't really count as those are neither high population or servers that the players have to pay to play on. Having to pay tends to cause fewer people to want to play.
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Tweakfour17 Augur

    I don't know why you keep trying to insist Rizlona is a low pop server when DBG has it marked as high. You can hate boxers all you want but just seems weird..unless its a conspiracy from DBG to trick people into playing there and the "high" population status on their website is a blatant lie?
  5. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    My statement is true. 99 Red was way more popular then Selo and Rizlona. It's also more popular then Agnarr is despite the fact that it's been locked for much longer. 99 Blue/Green do PvP events all the time.
  6. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Darkpaw thought Miragul was a good idea.

    Private servers typically get less players then official servers. The only private server i've seen get more players then comparable live servers is PEQ the M---Q friendly private server. Every other EQ/WoW gets much less then comparable official servers.
  7. KrakenReality Augur

    Tell me the peak player population then...
  8. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Worldserver Name: Project 1999: Red (Velious, PvP)
    Max Players: 663

    Red was getting 500+ people online each night for years before people eventually got bored with being locked in RoK. Keep in mind p99 doesn't allow boxing and being PvP Red didn't have 200+ people sitting AFK in EC tunnel inflating the server population numbers. So that's 500+ players actively doing things. Rizlona isn't getting half that much these days. INB4 you pretend like having 100+ AFK bots farming HGs, SG and Seb mean Rizlona has an actual playerbase.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  9. KrakenReality Augur

    Man, I'm almost crying over here. I just can't stop laughing at those MASSIVE numbers.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Because they thought it was a good idea they should now consider a tlp pvp server when the only existing pvp server stays at low population on the server status page all the time?
  11. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    500+ active Concurrent players is more then most live servers get atm. There's like 3 live servers, Aradune and Green that get that many concurrent players.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  12. KrakenReality Augur

    With such an enormous community surely they must still be going strong on Red, and not a dead wasteland. A vibrant community such as P99 Red, surely would demand an extra server.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  13. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    It's sad that when you're given info the doesn't fit your delusional narrative that "NoBODy Likz EQ pVP" you just go back to random nonsensical attacks rather then just accepting you're wrong.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  14. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Kind of like your anti boxing / Rizlona rhetoric?
  15. KrakenReality Augur

    Dude, that server hasn't had a notable population in nearly 5 years. Also, your peak number didn't even top 700 players. All you did was prove that a PVP server has very little interest and would be a bad decision.

    A PVP server would be a disaster. The massive amount of petitions and tickets that the GMs would deal with would be insane. Warping, boxing, botting, etc would be rampant. All for a couple hundred people.
  16. Triconix Augur

    How is it moot? You're using FV server population as justification that a free trade TLP would work and that somehow devolves into the notion that the same would work for a red server? Your argument is already walking on stilts and if you cannot provide a sliver of evidence to answer my answer let's consider it a lost cause.

    Anyhow, let's have a little break down of your fantastic logical framework. Later on in this thread you state all live servers don't have high populations. Well if that's the case, how can you make the initial statement of FV being proof that a free trade TLP will be popular? Last I checked FV was a live server. The fallacies in your string of argument is simply astounding.

    Oh, and let's have the devs drop everything they are doing so maybe 500 players can enjoy a red server. That's a huge lol. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that live populations close to 100x the amount of your "high population" p99 red server. Let's see where DPG would make more money, a community of 50k+ or 500? Hmmmm that's a tough one. I'm gonna go with the 500! /s

    I hope you don't open a business and drag anyone in with you. That company would tank within a month and you would leave everyone you dragged along in a pile of debt.
  17. Tweakfour17 Augur

    I'd be impressed if they managed to convert a historical peak of 500 free players to 500 paid accounts. Which is part of the reason they don't care if people on Rizlona box raid forces, they're all paid accounts anyways and thats the sandbox that is mutually beneficial to them. Probably also why they don't really do much to the raid force army on Mangler either.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  18. Triconix Augur

    Exactly. I completely left out the fact that people would have to migrate from a free e mulator (apparently this work is automatically blocked on the forums? lol) to a paid subscription. The entire accounting behind the justification for a red server makes it a waste of time. The hardware, development, and implementation costs would be greater than the revenue brought in with a server population of 500 players. Even if all 500 players boxes another char, you're looking at a revenue of somewhere around 200k over a 6 month period and that's the absolute max I'm giving a server like that to last.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  19. chunk normous New Member

    I agree that a none pvp server would make more money then a pvp server. But it would not bring in new money is the thing. If they opened a new tlp that was the same as Aradune it would just have everyone move over and it would just compete with itself. If a tlp pvp server would launched people might play on both and people who dont sub right now at all might start subbing or people who might of got bored on other servers and unsubbed might try the pvp one. Right now if your bored on a EQ server really you just stop playing because if you go to another server its the same thing. Plenty of other mmorpgs have different kinds of servers so there is merit for this type of argument that people like to try different ones out or have different ones available.
    Corydon Coles likes this.
  20. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    There is nothing to answer. You question about FV being the most popular is irrelevant because the argument isn't based off it being the most popular. It's based off the notion that it's popular enough to translate into a profitable TLP. Which it clearly is.

    Having 500 concurrent players isn't having total 500 players, maybe learn what the words mean before responding. That's 5-600 online at the same time every night. Red was getting 500 players online every night for years. To put that in perspective none of the active TLPs or P servers other then Phinny and 99 Blue had that many players for that long. There is only 3 or 4 of the live servers FV included that get that many players.

    It only takes 600 people online for a live server to hit "high" on the population list. So no there isn't even a 100x in all the live servers combined. All the live servers combined probably don't even hit 5k concurrent players outside of expansion launches, that would be 10x.