Where to find Tailoring recipe books

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by knickia, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. knickia New Member

    Does anyone know of a good source on where to find the various scribe-able tailoring books/scrolls ? For example, i know my other toons have Woven Mandrake in their recipe list, but my new tailor didn't and i cand find the right book/scroll on the trders in CR.

    PS: recommended tailoring sites besides EQ Traders corner ?
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    knickia likes this.
  3. knickia New Member

    @tatanka, thanks, I am trying to get the recipes scribed (i.e in the recipe search list), so i dont have to do all the combines 1by1 in experiment mode :( /carpel-tunellllll
    I guess i'll go on a book buying spree till i find it :(
  4. knickia New Member

    PS: how can you tell scribe-able books vs the old style (open/read) books ?
  5. Qbert Gallifreyan

    Some recipes aren't scribed from books, but they will not be visible until you either (a) learn the recipe by completing a successful combine or (b) reach a certain minimum trivial, whereupon new recipes just appear in your searchable list (alchemy and poisonmaking have tons of examples of this, but other skills do it as well . . . including some tailoring recipes).

    The bottom line is: if you're trying to do the combine when you're well below the skill level, you just have to do the manual combine until you succeed once.
    knickia and Pikachuuu like this.