Ideal trivial for skill ups

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vumad, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Any data to support the ideal trivial for skill ups? I had in my mind that it's best to be as close to your trivial as possible. I think this stems from JC where less failures results in more sales and more recovery. However pretty much all of the tailoring is sold at a significant loss success or not. Someone very experienced in trade skills told me that I should be combining about 20-40 points above your unmodified trivial. I believe them, but I was wondering if anyone has ever seen any Dev posts or tested such theories to determine the ideal spread for skill ups or if it even matters.

    Maybe since you can skill up and salvage a failure, even if the chance of skilling up is unchanged, a higher failure rate and thus a higher salvage rate means more chances to reuse farmed items like pelts and etc?
  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    You're last comment nails it, especially when combined with a DBC shop purchase ;)
  3. Soulbanshee Augur

    You gain TS points when you combine within 100 trivial of your base skill level. This is until you reach (200? 250? would have to find it posted) where anything > 300 triv can skill.

    You can gain TS point on success or fail, but you can only get trophy exp on success. I don't know if its been said if failing has a lower chance to skill than success, but its possible else there would be kinda no downside to failing.

    The closer the trivial to your base skill, theoretically the lower chance it is to fail, ignoring built in fail percentages. The less mats you lose (after salvage), the more completed items you can potentially sell back to recover plat.

    If you are betting on salvages, you could potentially be losing skill points if they had been success, and you are almost always going to lose at least something, so you get more "combines" but you could be getting less skill and will lose plat to replace what is lost.
  4. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    At sufficiently high values of the main stat (STR for smithing, for example), fails and successes have the same percentage chance for a skillup. The calc at EQTraders will show you, if you play around with some values.
  5. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    This is incorrect. You can skill up on anything that has a higher trivial than your skill. Due to the mass of materials I have, I routinely use 400+ trivial combines from skill level 1 onward. Since there is a minimum success rate of 5% on combines, its just an issue of getting that 1 success to save the recipe, then dump a few thousand combines worth on the alt and go afk, come back later to 300 skill.
    Duder likes this.
  6. Soulbanshee Augur

    I got it mixed around, that's trophy along with the only on success part.
    yepmetoo likes this.