Casters having Throwing?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Whit2k, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. Whit2k New Member

    It's always been a thing in the back of mind that casters have the throwing ability. I've always been curious as to why casters need throwing. There ain't much that they can throw.
  2. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    I've made casters mad way too many times that I've lost count how many times they threw their spellbooks at me.
  3. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Would it be wrong, and mind you I am not thinking of any specific person, to suggest that casters do indeed throw fits at times?
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I wish we had spell books to throw
  5. Celephane Augur

    I know a mage that throws shade, often
    Duder likes this.
  6. Captain Video Augur

    Excellent question. My mage alt contemplated it for a while, and was thrown for a loop.
  7. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I imagine that at one time there were plans to give casters something more caster-flavoured to throw at mobs so they built the skill in as it needed to be a part of the base system.

    Shaman for example can throw some specifc cratfed potions with dot or snare components.

    Melee can throw some class-flavoured items Shuriken (Monk), Daggers (Rogue), Axes (Berserker)

    Maybe one day Ngreth will look at creating some Caster-specific tradeskilled or storebought item they can throw for some neat spell-effect maybe, like they could throw some cursed candle or chalk-sigil at a target causing some short-term spell resist debuff or other detrimental effect.
  8. Lockdown Elder

    Can we not request nerfs, thanks?

    Throwing weapons have uses, or, at least they did when I left EQ previously. For instance, I could crafting throwing weapons that could snare.

    The only objection I have to throwing weapons is that they carry no stats and are required to be placed in the Range slot in favor of our range item which does carry stats. We can melee with blunts, piercing weapons and two-handed blunts. Why is it so unreasonable that since we can fight with daggers, we can also throw them?

    The only change I'd like to see with throwing weapons is that they're confined to the Ammo slot and not occupying the Range slot.
  9. Thash Zoner

    This is useful, you can tag mobs without stopping or wasting mana.

    May I suggest, placed in a social:

    /bandolier activate (throwing)
    /pause 3, /autofire on
    /autofire off
    /bandolier activate (normal)
  10. Oldnecro New Member