Vaniki hunter?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Andarriel, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    And since you said not even close i want a list i probably already done most of them.

  2. haaaalp Augur

    do you even english bro
  3. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    yea im trying to find out what this troll think is rarer.

  4. Flatchy Court Jester

    I think he wants you to say "more rare" ? Then again I am just a troll.
    Andarriel likes this.
  5. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Thats weird still no list?

    Sindace likes this.
  6. Evurkvest Augur

    The respawn time after a killed Vaniki is 122 hours. The respawn time for a PH is 244 hours though. PH despawns after 122 h and respawns as PH or named 122 h later. After server up there is a random delay for the initial spawn. The delay range is unknown but based on observations its probably between 6 and 24 h.

    Based on this you can roughly predict when it's worth camping Vaniki. At least for the first four possible spawn cycles. When Vaniki gets killed a few times after a server up it gets pretty much impossible to predict when to camp unless you know when he was killed.
  7. paragon520 New Member



  8. Schadenfreude Augur

    King Xorbb and Dunedigger are not very common.
  9. Act of Valor The Newest Member

    I got Xorbb a few months before they added old world hunters (I have the Blued Two Handed Hammer to prove it!), but I've never, ever seen Dunedigger. I've wanted his Scute Shield so badly since I saw it on Zam in 1999. I'd pay a krono for one.
  10. ranjaboy New Member

    Well, it’s actually a good topic. I left the game for several years, came back, leveled to 115 and started working on accomplishments long ago left behind, Hunter being one. I got Vaniki, no camp, just kept coming back to the zone until I saw him, however, I still lack the Queen. That’s my last Hunter for the entire Velious expansion.

    i camped Dunedigger religiously. Read about the spawn time mechanism (Bobbydick, I think you posted lots about this, thank you!) and kept at it. Finally, I realized that stuff wasn’t respawning like usual.....the place was almost empty, and believe me, after hours and hours, you get a feel for the area (red rectangle). Sure enough, after a pause in the spawns, 10 minutes later, pop! Was awesome.

    King Xorbb I got fairly easily. The Tasmanian Devil guy took me much longer in that zone.

    I have all but 2 of the Hunters in Jaggedpine, they are really tough. Think I need the Bear and the Cat.

    Now, about that “lesser nightmare” in Lavastorm........

    BTW, what does the indent mean?
  11. Nniki Augur

    Indentation indicates that it is optional.
  12. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    The indented boxes are Optional. You can get the overall achieve without having them.
  13. Thunderkiks Augur

    Best Option for this guy is really after server up IMO. When I was working hunter that is what I did. He spawned a few hours after the servers came up. Then I have found him up just passing through zones 2 more times. Luck of the draw I guess.
  14. phaeril Augur

    I've killed vaniki in era on every TLP, I have never. EVER nevernev seen a ferocious hammerhead in kedge, and i've spent at least 4 or 5 weeks of double rares camping it over the years. That's my "this is the worst one" one.
  15. RizLoaner Elder

    Dunedigger is quite easy now with the info on zam. Named cycles in NRo have a mob that is unique to the cycle as well, you find that mob you're either spawning Rahotep or Dunedigger within an hour or two.
  16. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    That mob didnt give me any spawn prob at all was quick even dropped the driftwood treasure chest which must be the rare drop. i had problems with a seahorse patriarch which took me some 40 hours to spawn.

  17. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Dune digger took me like 6 hours to spawn what gave me problems was
    i spent like 6-10 hrs to get lavastorm hunter i got tisella and nightmare twice lucky rng i just did what they said on zam and killed roaming phs going by. i spent like 3 months getting goldentalon in jagged hopefully you got already.

