Rizlona Rudeness

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Kahna, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. Gnothappening Augur

    Hrm... do I want to play on Rizlona and deal with boxers? Should I instead play on Karendune and deal with, you know, the Karens? Hard call. Okay, not really :)
    Thewiz likes this.
  2. PeterPansicle Journeyman

    I picked the Karens ... I'm only single boxing though so no one has cried about me ... yet!
  3. Gnothappening Augur

    More power to you. I plan on going fully Riz, just because I have seen too much stupid stuff on Karendune. Buddy of mine was going to help me level a duo but then he got a week off for druid damage shield plvling. Not sure why DS plvling is a ban, but whatever. That definitely isn't where I want to be.

    Besides, I already have a few babies on Riz, just not a full group. I think I will take advantage of the boxing status and run one.
    Thewiz and PeterPansicle like this.
  4. Tweakfour17 Augur

    Even the single boxers are being Karen'd now, reference the post about the rogue who got suspended for pick pocketing HG ("toxic behavior"). It will be interestesting to watch these 2 servers unfold, especially depending on how month 7 goes (GMs were a 6 month contract then review).
  5. Kahna Augur

    While I appreciate the offers, I'm okay. Not looking to be carried, I enjoy the challenge of getting things myself, just not looking to be harassed either.
    KimchiGoddess likes this.
  6. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Yeah this is why you don't listen to people on the forums about why they got banned. Person wasn't just pick pocketing giants, he was pick pocketing mobs then training them on people if he got agro, he would then send you 10 paragraphs of spam hate in tells if you complained.
    KimchiGoddess and jeskola like this.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    It's extremely unlikely that is why he got the ban.
    KimchiGoddess and Thewiz like this.
  8. Gnothappening Augur

    Official reason was "zone disruption," but his zone disruption was DS plvling. He had zero reason to lie to me about why he got a week off as I wouldn't have cared if he said he hacked EQlive login server so that he could log in and bypass a que.
  9. KimchiGoddess Augur

    So zone disruption by taking all the mobs in the zone? Man I'd like to see them do that to the AE groups in PoI if that's the case.
  10. Gnothappening Augur

    Kimchi, you seem really hung up on PoI. I mean, it is one zone that usually sits empty most of the time. Sure some people do aoe there, but how is it a big deal? How many people go to PoI to set up a camp? Also, on mangler at least, there are usually 2 or 3 instances of PoI. If those people doing aoe weren't there then you definitely wouldn't see extra instances. As long as it isn't a single group doing aoe and then /picking from instance to instance, I don't get the venom. Then again, if it were a single group doing aoe and /picking, everything would collapse down to the main instance. Is it people doing aoe or is it that you want to do aoe there and there are people ahead of you?
  11. Ulain Journeyman

    Gotta love OP being drowned out by the same 7 people (all same person, probably) who get defensive about RIzlona critiques every time a thread pops up about them.

    My guess is this is the only interactions they have with other players.
  12. Gnothappening Augur

    Maybe, but I don't remember very many negative posts about Rizlona prior to the transfer.
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  13. KimchiGoddess Augur

    I will completely admit I'm salty about it ;p My friend and I were trying to XP there when PoP was new, we weren't raiding and didn't have flags for anything. We spent like four hours one day failing PoJ trials with randoms and then gave up. We tried XPing in PoI numerous times and it was a disaster every time. We actually found a pick with no one AEing in it, had a group, started killing stuff and were fine for like half an hour. Then an AE bot group with obvious AFK play moved in and started pulling through us, so anytime we were fighting something we'd get half their train on us and wipe. They were completely unresponsive and we were polite about it. We just wanted a spot to XP regular group style there and also collect some drops.

    AE groups can be fun and I don't begrudge people that, on Agnarr I did the odd one on my cleric in the deep and it was fun, but it was way back in the tunnels where people don't usually XP. In my experience on Mangler (and granted I haven't been back there since halfway through PoP) AE groups took over all instances of PoI and if they weren't in one, invaribly a group would move in and pull everything, pull over groups etc. I've seen it when there were 3 different groups including my own all peacefully XPing in the zone and then an AE group moves in and we all get wiped from their pulls.

    TL;DR - On Agnarr I was able to raid and had flags to everything in PoP. Due to a job/schedule change there was no raiding guild in a time zone that fit my schedule on Mangler so I had no PoP flags. Wanted to XP in one of the extremely few unflagged zones in PoP but wasn't able to because AE groups were disrupting the zone.
  14. Kahna Augur

    I feel the need to point out that I didn't transfer to Rizlona, so my post has nothing to do with the transfers opening. I still play on Aradune, and just rolled a group on Riz. I have no ill will towards boxers as a whole. I have never seen any correlation between how many characters one plays and their social skills. There are plenty of jerks who single box.
  15. Gnothappening Augur

    That does suck and I can see it happening at the start of an expac. I bet I even know who it was. If it was the person I am thinking of, he wasn't afk, he just doesn't speak English (Engrish) well. This same person made a lot of enemies in Sebilis by picking around and taking all of the mobs in every pick.
  16. Truetotheblue Augur

    Me and my 6 other personalities will group with you too. It's ok. I don't discriminate. Just as I stated earlier you have to put up with my jokes, which gets crazy when all 7 personalities are active at once.
  17. Gnothappening Augur

    Fair enough. There has been a sharp rise in complaints though since they opened things from Aradune. Anecdotal I know, but I feel like a lot of the QQ boys from Karendune have moved over.
  18. Kahna Augur

    I also despise the AE groups in POI. I always play a gnome, and look forward to PoI for farming/leveling up tinkering. Every time I go in there though I am lucky if I can maybe lay claim to a single bubble if I make sure to keep it all down because someone will run through and grab my scant 1-2 leftover mobs if I don't. PoI is also one of the best laid out zones for a small group or duo to go to. Few roamers, nicely spaced mobs, simple layout. Better than Nightmare or Disease.

    (And before someone says it, no, I'm not going to go pick over the bodies of the AE's kills to get the items I need. I don't play this game to scavenge crumbs.)

    Folks say no one goes there so it's okay to AE, I wonder if they have considered that no one goes there because there is always a group AEing?
    KimchiGoddess likes this.
  19. Fluid Augur

    Make that same 8 people! I think I had my heart rate go up a grand total of three times since Rizlona was opened. One time was just a guy driving through for grand total of one kill steal. Second time was my fault as it was just someone who wasn't familiar with the area and I misinterpreted their actions. Third time was someone accusing me a ban-able offense, that one really got me bent! This is the part of the story detractors never include in their evaluation. Rizlona does have a couple of bottom feeders. They also have the a group of people so dedicated to the game, they have multiple accounts and treasure them. Those same people are also some of the best players in the game.

    This appears to be just another "get a rise out of people" effort. Look at the title of the thread "Rizlona Rudeness". SOP there at the moment is to park a high level character next to the one you are leveling, I do it myself. Since there is only so much manna you can waste buffing your low level characters, you spread the love around. I just spent 7 hours in a situation like that where someone with a couple of accounts parked a couple of their level 50 characters there, because there is nothing to be gained until the next expansion it's what you do when you hit 50. They buffed and shepherded the group for hours. It's just the way boxing, the server, and players do it.
  20. RizLoaner Elder

    What's the proper etiquette for an AE group to setup and what's the proper procedure when someone else comes into the zone that you've been AEing well before they arrived.