3 in our house wanting to join Aradune

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Basicgear, May 27, 2020.

  1. Basicgear New Member

    Hi, we have three in my household that want to play on Aradune; my wife, brother and I.

    Is there anyway we can play on the server considering the no box detection? We each have a unique MAC address and my brother plays in a separate room. My wife and I have PCs next to each other.

    We don't want to play in a world where one person can control a group, so the other progression server is a no go. My brother and I grew up on EQ and want a more classic experience.

    I'm worried when we try to log on we will be detected as boxing. Please help.

  2. KermittheFroglok Augur

    Unless you’re willing to get a second network hooked up to a second ISP, then no. (i.e. Verizon for two people, Comcast for the third).

    Unfortunately, Rizlona sounds like your best option. Relaxed boxing rules aside, it’s pretty much the same in every other way. So I think it’s fair for DPG to be strict with Aradune. They don’t have the staff to review and monitor exceptions, and if they granted them the bot farmers would probably apply for exceptions.

    While it’s true P99 does household exceptions to their IP rule people should remember that P99’s population is actually small compared to EQ’s real DPG servers, and P99 has much fewer zones to monitor activity in.
  3. Barton The Mischievous

    That is incorrect

    dreamweaver has answered this question more than once.

    Families can play together on Aradune

    See last post in this thread

    I would assume that if you are reported, you will have to prove in some fashion that you are playing by the rules of the server
    Yinla likes this.
  4. Basicgear New Member

    Thanks Kermit.
    Thanks Barton. I see from your link that this question gets posted a lot. Thanks for your patience in that and the answering link! Have a good character launch today guys! We are excited!
    Barton likes this.
  5. KermittheFroglok Augur

    Well sorry then, I sit corrected.

    Although now I’m worried about the Aradune experience, how do you prove/disprove someone isn’t just boxing on multiple machines. @_@;
    Barton likes this.
  6. Barton The Mischievous

    Yup, that is the question.

    How are the new GM's going to verify that it is actually more than one person and not just someone claiming that they are playing with others