Paladin "Yaulp" Question

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by LDEffectsMe, May 8, 2020.

  1. LDEffectsMe Augur

    I've been away from Live for years. I've been trying to search and see if Paladins ever get a better Yaulp than Yaulp IV. I didn't see anything in their actual spells, so I figured if they do, it must be an AA.

    Google searching found an AA line called "Knight's Yaulp" which appears to have multiple ranks and does basically what Yaulp did. However, in checking my Paladin's AA window, I can't seem to locate anything called "Knight's Yaulp" anywhere. Is this a thing?
  2. Qbert Gallifreyan

    The current method: if you activate Force of Disruption/Disruptive Persecution/Divine Stun, it triggers Knight's Yaulp.
  3. LDEffectsMe Augur

    So even on a TLP at Level 59, if I spend 9 AA's and buy Divine Stun, then use it, I'll automatically get Knight's Yaulp?
  4. Qbert Gallifreyan

    I have no clue what level of the aa it was backfilled to, sorry. If you pick that aa in your window, it will either say in the description at the bottom of the aa window it triggers it or it doesn't.
  5. LDEffectsMe Augur

    Okay. Thank you.
  6. Tatanka Joe Schmo