Overseer and Free to play

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Minlola, May 1, 2020.

  1. Minlola New Member

    I noticed that on my alt account they no longer get any gathering/collection/aug rewards. Only the Exp/merc exp/Coin. Is this normal for the free to play account. When it first came out I was getting everything, same as my all access account for the same quests, now for the same quest, I do not get the same rewards.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

  3. Tumbler Lorekeeper

    Overseer is a waste of time. Not only our time, but dev's time. Just ignore it and let it go away into the waste side. It used to be cool, then they ruined it with collects.
    enclee and dreadlord like this.
  4. Questoften32 Augur

    Experience for you and mercenary and platinum is more than enough and stats 80 percent else is likely just junk if not for housing or useful. Trash like in wows version of this game is
    Just wasting game time. So less things that implies rewards that only propagate playing more of the game for the sake of it.

    As for collectibles ''unless you would display them...Its hard to set up at Bazaar. So in 10 or more years, I have never sold except /barter and there is no broker unless its your characters.

    Do not know if you can play on another character at same time, and check your other character now or not. As in making a Mr.Broker to sell obscure unique things you can part with, such as collectables.
  5. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Well, overseer has given me hope that I will one day complete all those scavenger achievements and get a shiny new evolving tabard. :)

    Honestly, completing scavenger-achievements when you don't have any spare plat is quite time consuming.
    Overseer helps a lot there!

    Who knows? Maybe they will someday add something to the overseer merchant that catches my interest...
  6. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Its free to play people and im enjoying it free xp for my baz toons is great. Of course they need to give better deals to people that buy overseer stuff in marketplace and the cost for a common agent from currency vendor is kinda stupid but that's just my 2 cents or eq copper.
