Server crashed AGAIN

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tutankamen, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Vox is ready to step up to the plate

    Bartleby likes this.
  2. Triconix Augur

    Some specific people are acting so childish and entitled. It's so enjoyable reading for a good laugh as they have their little hissy fits. It scary these people are grown adults in the real world. I cannot imagine what miserable people they must be.
  3. Vex440 New Member

    @Ronak where you at!?
  4. Repthor Augur

    this thread makes the downtime much better, thank you
  5. poisonwaters Journeyman

    Congratulations to everyone who downed any or all of the tier three raids!

    Its great to see so many dedicated players logging on even though we all know there can be issues with launches.

    And thanks to the devs for their hard work, we appreciate what you do!

    As a froglok I can't make any jokes about allayna sucking lemons and the potential surrogates for those lemons but as a shadowknight I can hope that every time you open your mouth the devs nerf paladins :)

    Also folks, when life gives you lemons kick life in the nuts, hold life down and tape open life's eyes and squeeze that lemon gift straight into their pupils, it's what I do.
    Posterior Pain, Bartleby and Proximoe like this.
  6. Thundastruk Elder

    I want more drama please and thankyou kronos to everyone who starts drama!
    Endaar and Bartleby like this.
  7. Willydo Apprentice

    If they are on stay at home orders from their states, I hope they don't go near their kids or spouses lol. They are probably dangerous right now.
  8. Herf Augur

    I just cancelled 3 accounts. I have a few months left so if the servers ever come up again for more than ten minutes a time I'll play until the prepays run out, but then I'll have to seriously consider if I want to resubscribe. Side note: when you cancel an account they send you a SurveyMonkey request to explain why you quit. They send one request for each cancelled account. However when you try to file each of them, only once is accepted. You have to delete the SurveyMonkey cookies in your browser in order to file the correct number, one per account, of responses as to why you're quitting. So these fools can't even get that right.

    It's not just the continually demonstrated level of coding and testing incompetence by the DayPaw.

    It's that they can find the time to do things like nerf store bought mounts in game saying they're "out of era", [AFTER people bought lots of them for real money, over a year ago], but they can't keep the game up and running reliably. I wouldn't be terribly surprised to find that the "database" problems they've said they're having is at least partially related to retroactively changing item behavior to suit the nerfs.

    Incompetence is bad enough, but bullying and theft of services on top of that is just a no go for me. I love the people in my guild who I play with. But I'm disgusted by the company that's running this game.
    Brilhasti likes this.
  9. Tanise Elder

    this patch is teh uberest!
  10. Thundastruk Elder

    can we keep that meme up for a lifetime? lmao
    such cruelty in the world
  11. Lockdown Elder

    So, is Daybreak going to give a partial refund to cover all this downtime due to their incompetence?
    Brilhasti likes this.
  12. Natal Augur

    They suck lemons for practice :)
  13. Natal Augur

    Why would you need to give a reason three times? Isn't once enough?
  14. Mannhec Lorekeeper

    You notified them. Are you not high enough on the chain to get a response, or are we not respected enough to earn one from you?
  15. Willydo Apprentice

    That .53 cents a day we pay to play would really help those of use who do not qualify for the stimulus check. They'd owe us like $1.06! this week alone!
  16. Willydo Apprentice

    I would officially rename that department oops.
  17. Crystilla Augur

    Err, hun, you do realize it's not as easy as walking over to someone's desk these days? As community manager, he forwards the issues and gets replies once answers are known. '
  18. Braveheart Augur

    When you have a captive audience (COVID-19: Quarantine) I guess there is no need to keep the servers up and running, where are we going to go? Everyone is sitting at the PC watching the server status.
  19. svann Augur

    Yea but for some people with 53 accounts that can add up.
  20. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Go to:

    and play it while you wait. It won't speed the wait at all but maybe it will help to imagine winning cash on Jeopardy.